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Friday, November 9, 2012

Review: Fool Moon

Title: Fool Moon
Author: Jim Butcher
Publisher: Roc
Publication Date: January 1, 2001
Reviewer: Annie

Summary:  (From Amazon) Could a werewolf be loose in Chicago?  Common sense says no.  The grisly evidence says yes.  So does Harry Dresden.  And with his weird connections, he should know.
Review: This was the second book I read of his, and the second in the series.  These books are great, a typical thriller with a fantasy twist on it.  My only complaint is I wish he would give us a better background on each character, for example what had happened in the end of the previous book.  I would like to follow all the characters through this series but since most people will just pick up on or two of these somewhere in the middle of the series I guess it’s not really necessary.  I felt like there were a few more plot lines in this one than the previous book, which was good, but if he keeps adding more every book it will definitely be too much for me.  I also get really frustrated with Dresden at time, he makes stupid decisions and I feel like yelling at him, but I guess that’s probably a sign of good writing from the author.

I would recommend this to anyone who is a fan of thrillers and/or sci-fi fantasy.  The nice thing about these is they are quick, not an epic, and they still have just enough of a fantasy element to keep things interesting.  I don’t know of many other series or even books that fall into this category so I like mixing in his books to my reading pile every now and then.  They are also fantastic airplane/traveling reads!

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