I hope everyone has been finding their new favorite book!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

In My Mailbox (6)

Hitched by Carol Higgins Clark
Wrecked by Carol Higgins Clark
Fractured by Karin Slaughter

Climb On! Dynamic Strategies for Teen Success by John R. Beede

For Review:
Master Your Sleep - Proven Methods Simplified Tracey I. Marks MD
Hunger by Jackie Morse Kessler

Special thanks to:
Houghtin Miffiln Harcourt
Bascom Hill Publishing Group

Friday, January 28, 2011

Follow Friday!

What is/was your favorite subject in school?
I love English. Theres not much I can say about it I toke almost every English class in my high school. But I will be not attending any NWTC classes that are not required.

Side Note: I wont be posting some of the things weekly Such as the cover thing. I may be behind, and I apologize. I'm currently baby sitting my Grandma's animals.Yippy!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wish List (3)

Babe in Boyland by Jody Gehrman
iDrakula by Bekka Black
Braless in Wonderland by Debbie Reed Fischer
Why I Let My Hair Grow Out by Maryrose Wood
Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins
Elixir by Hilary Duff
Matched by Allyson Braithwaite Condie
The Book of Spells by Kate Brian
Angel by James Patterson
Firelight by Sophie Jordan
The Princess and the Snowbird by Mette Ivie Harrison
Need by Carrie Jones
The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima
Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink
Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev
Wings by Aprilynne Pike
The Princess and the Bear by Mette Ivie Harrison
Red-Headed Stepchild by Jaye Wells
Stray by Rachel Vincent

Early In my Mailbox (5)

I would list the books but there are 46 so.... Yeah its not gonna happen.

Monday Madness (2)

I'm sorry this is late but i'll make up for it. After this next video the videos will not be edited so if I screw up it stays there. SORYY!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Surprise Post

So I was looking at something and I decided to do this blog. And I want your honest feed back!

I was wondering who your Favorite characters are in what books? What person do you wish was real or you would want to date if they were real?

Me personally I love Jacob from Twilight, Derek from The summoning, Goth boy from Strange Angels, and Shay from Nightshade!

Notice a trend?
They are all....Werewolves of sorts! Odd right? I just noticed that yesterday as I was thinking about it!

So who are yours?



Author: Andrea Cremer
Series: ---
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: 2010
How Received: Borrowed
Rating: 5+ Stars

Calla Tor has always known her destiny: After graduating from the Mountain School, she'll be the mate of sexy alpha wolf Ren Laroche and fight with him, side by side, ruling their pack and guarding sacred sites for the Keepers. But when she violates her masters' laws by saving a beautiful human boy out for a hike, Calla begins to question her fate, her existence, and the very essence of the world she has known. By following her heart, she might lose everything -- including her own life. Is forbidden love worth the ultimate sacrifice?

Review: (Warning longest review I've ever written)
At 5AM I started this book I promised myself that after two chapters that I would go to sleep. The beginning was so intriguing and amazing that it was difficult to put the book down and not continue. I fell asleep quickly that night promising myself I would start right back on that book the second I woke up. And let me tell you that night did not go by fast enough. Then I started reading again and I got to the middle of the book. Now normally books tend to start to drag near the middle but the reason for the plus after the five is yet to come. The book kept pushing forward just getting better and better while it progressed. I wrote this review down but as I start to think about the book and the journey not only the characters took but also the one I toke reading it makes the words just flow so easily. So there is no need for me to look off the already written review because this is so much more. This book is so amazing that it can barley be described in words. I stayed up through the night to read this book I had school today but I did not sleep for instead I read. I read through class after class... Did I just rhyme? I can't rhyme so that's how awesome this book is it is on my favorites list next to 13 reasons why and Willow. And that is what earned this book a +. Thanks for reading this review and I hope you read and enjoy the book as much as I did.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Author: Nancy Holder & Debbie Viguie
Series: ---
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Publication Date: September 2010
Pages: 470
How Received: Borrowed
Rating: 3 Stars

The ultimate battle. The ultimate love.
For the past two years, Jenn has lived and trained at Spain’s Sacred Heart Academy Against the Cursed Ones. She is among the few who have pledged to defend humanity or die trying. But the vampires are gaining power, and the battle has only just begun.
Forced to return home after death takes a member of her family, Jenn discovers that San Francisco is now a vampire strong-hold. As a lone hunter apart from her team, Jenn is isolated—and at risk. She craves the company of her fighting partner, Antonio: his protection, his reassurance, his touch. But a relationship with Antonio comes with its own dangers, and the more they share of themselves, the more Jenn stands to lose.
Then Jenn is betrayed by one who was once bound to protect her, causing her to doubt all she had held as true. To survive, Jenn must find the courage to trust herself—and her heart.

I hate the beginning its very slow and its all fighting I think this books OK but i'm not being on reading action books i'm more for watching it. This book would be amazing as a movie but pretty bad as a book. The book is a supernatural of sorts it has werewolves and witches and you can't forget about the vampires. I don't like how it keeps switching POV's There are too many just stick to Antonio's and Jenn's next time. I tended to skip chapters when it got to a certain persons POV and I still knew what was going on. The middle got boring and was slow. I still believe that if the book was written differently I would have loved it the only good part about this book was the end. It was amazing one of my favorite endings EVER! I would love to read the next book but only if they keep to Jenn and Antonio's POV. Also not a big fan on what they did to heather at the end. Of course the end with Jenn and Antonio's was making me want to put the rating up higher but I tempted to stick to my guns.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

In My Mailbox (4)

Sorry I'm a little late :(

Past Midnight - Mara Purnhagen
The Poison Diaries - Maryrose Wood
Nevermore - Kelly Creagh

What's he really thinking? - Paula Rinehart
Softly & Tenderly - Sara Evans & Rachel Hauck

XVI by Julia Karr
Beastly by Alex Finn

Stylish blog award

I would like to thank the amazing Mandi @ The book nymph

So this is my second award in one week ahaha its cool!

Here are the rules:

1.) Be sure to thank the person who gave you the award in your post.
2.) Share seven fun things about yourself
3.) Pass the award onto ten bloggers who you think are extremely stylish
4.) Be sure to let the winners know they were chosen.

Seven Fun Facts:

1. I learned how to really read in like 6th grade
2. I have to be one of the worst spellers in the world.
3. I was not for Good Reads until I won a book
4. I still secretly love Shelfari more!
5. Without Spell check I would most likely fail English. :]
6. I just started this blog and I have 25 Followers!!
7. I love music! No one favorite band just favorite songs!

The 10 bloggers I gave my Awards to:

I'm terrible at this i'm not close to any blogger other then Korianne and I sometimes talk to Mandi I already gave korianne an award and Mandi Gave me this award.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Author: Lauren Myracle
Series: ---
Publisher: Abrams Books
Publication Date: 05/01/2011
How Received: Publisher
Rating: 3 Stars

Summary: When her best guy friend falls victim to a vicious hate crime, sixteen-year-old Cat sets out to discover who in her small town did it. Richly atmospheric, this daring mystery mines the secrets of a tightly knit Southern community and examines the strength of will it takes to goagainst everyone you know in the name of justice.

I did not like this book what so ever. It's all about the main character turning her back on her friend who was gay and then He gets hurt and she goes back and remembers all the memories and wonders why she ever let him go and why she didn't stop him from hanging out with her brother and his friends who always picked on Patrick (the gay guy). The news paper articles in the beginning were strong but then after like two chapters I just couldn't continue reading. I'm sorry I love this author but I think she was out of her element or should have written in a different point of view. I will never rate a book lower 2 stars. I think I may have expected something different from her. I'm sorry Lauren I really wanted to like it but I couldn't.

Follow Friday (2)

Who do you cheer for?
So I live in Wisconsin So of course I follow the Packers. But only cuz my family would kill me if I didn't. I really like the Philadelphia Eagles. I don't know why but I do I told my mom and she looked surprised turns out her father (my grandpa..Hes dead died when she was 17) Was born and raised there and loved the Eagles so yeah. Other then that im not a sports fan I like swimming but im not watching it. lol

Versatile Blogger Award

Thank you, tribute books mama, for awarding me the Versatile Blogger award. Please be sure to stop by Her blog and check it out.

The rules for these awards are:
Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post
Tell us seven things about yourself
Award 15 recently discovered new bloggers
Contact these bloggers and let them know they've received the award(s)
7 things about me:
I am 17.
I have 5 Brothers
I love picking on my family because its a family thing
I'm in college and high school
I'm shy
I want to make lots of friends!
I love soda!

15 Bloggers:
Sorry can't do this lots of people are no award blogs
Korianne Speaks

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The awakening

Author: Kelley Armstrong
Series: The Summoning
Publisher: Harper teen
Publication Date: 2009
Pages: 360
How Received: Borrowed
Rating: 5 Stars

Summary:Chloe Saunders is a living science experiment—not only can she see ghosts, but she was genetically altered by a sinister organization called the Edison Group. She's a teenage necromancer whose powers are out of control,which means she can raise the dead without even trying. Now Chloe's running for her life with three of her supernatural friends—a charming sorcerer, a cynical werewolf, and a disgruntled witch—and they have to find someone who can help them before the Edison Group catches them. Or die trying. . .

This book is exactly what you would expect cruel half demons messing with Chloe tons of running and living on the streets.. Opps you weren't suppose to know that... =] The book was just as good as the first one. Some books get worse when they continue in a series. But this book was amazing maybe almost better then the first@ I loved it! Only problem is I don't like how in the end it just cuts off and makes you so frizzled that you just have to read the next one then you have to wait about a year till it comes out. grr. But then it puts two chapters in the end of the book.No matter what I say about this book or series I can not do it any justice. The book is AMAZING! Must Read!


Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Series: Shiver
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Publication Date: July 2010
Pages: 360
How Received: Borrowed
Rating: 3 Stars

Summary:In Maggie Stiefvater's Shiver, Grace and Sam found each other. Now, in Linger, they must fight to be together. For Grace, this means defying her parents and keeping a very dangerous secret about her own well-being. For Sam, this means grappling with his werewolf past... and figuring out a way to survive into the future. Add into the mix a new wolf named Cole, whose own past has the potential to destroy the whole pack. And Isabel, who already lost her brother to the wolves... and is nonetheless drawn to Cole. At turns harrowing and euphoric, Linger is a spellbinding love story that explores both sides of love - the light and the dark, the warm and the cold - in a way you will never forget.

I was Afraid to start this book because I was afraid of being let down.. I shouldn't have tried it. This review is going to be beyond short. I didn't like the beginning of this book it didn't re introduce the characters I read this book what feels like almost a year ago because I've read so many books since then. And I had no Idea who the characters were anymore. The beginning made me not want to continue. Shiver was like a 4 out of 5. But linger is more of a 2 out of 5. The book is extremely Unappealing it should have been left at being just one book. Ick. The book was also written in to many POV's.

Hey guys

Hey sorry I didnt post yesterday and I wont be posting much today. I should be home about 9pm. Otherwise im bringing my 6 year old cousin to a book fair. At barnes and noble (bad spelling) anyways if i can ill get on and put up the reviews I have and update the books ive read as well as wednesday book wishlist and fridays follow so ill be back tomorrow hopefully. Ahh sorry I have so much to do. Sorry...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday Madness (1)

I know its late and I'm sorry also I am sorry about the weird voices I had redone the video sooo many times I just started not to care what I did.

Rules:To join the fun and make now book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host {http://klearsreviews.blogspot.com/} and any one else you want to follow on the list
Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
Monday Madness is where you update people on whats happening in your life and whats happening with the blog.

Wicked Appetite

Author: Janet Evanovich
Series: Diesel
Publisher: St. Martins Press
Publication Date: September 2010
Pages: 313
How Received: Borrowed
Genre: 1.Bakers - Fiction 2. Witches - Fiction 3. Bakeries - Fiction 4. Armageddon - Fiction
Rating: 5

Summary: Life in Marblehead has had a pleasant predictability, until Diesel arrives. Rumor has it that a collection of priceless ancient relics representing the Seven Deadly Sins have made their way to Boston’s North Shore. Partnered with pastry chef Lizzie Tucker, Diesel bullies and charms his way through historic Salem to track them down—and his criminal mastermind cousin Gerewulf Grimorie. The black-haired, black-hearted Wulf is on the hunt for the relic representing gluttony. Caught in a race against time, Diesel and Lizzie soon find out that more isn’t always better, as they battle Wulf and the first of the deadly sins.

I love love love this book. One of the best Janet Evanovich books I have EVER read and I have read them all. It is an adult novel but it is paranormal. I love how Wicked Appetite is like a spin off of a Stephine Plum novel(side novel). She brought in Diesel and Carl the monkey!(love it!) Of course you would kind of have to read plum spooky to understand who Carl and Diesel is. But the book is beyond worth it! It's amazing and hard to put down. As well as fast paced. I am in love with the story line. I can't wait to read the next book in the series! I could say SOOOOO mcuh more about this in a Vlog review. Do you think I should do a Vlog for this?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

100 Books in a year

Challenge Details

• Timeline: 01 Jan 2011 - 31 Dec 2011

• Rules - Read 100 or more books in 2011

• All books can crossover into other challenges you have on the go.

• Only print books and ebooks count (no audiobooks).

• You can join anytime.

My reads so far:
1)Shadow Hills - Anastasia Hopcuc
2)Fire - Kristin Cashore
3)Hex Hall - Rachel Hawkins
4)The Secret Life Of sparrow delaney - Suzanne Harper
5)I heart you, you haunt me - Lisa Schroeder
6)Shiver - Maggie Strefvater
7)Elsewhere - Gabrielle Zevin
8)The Gift - James Patterson
9)This Girl is Different - JJ Johnson
10)I love him to pieces - Evonne Tsang
11)Trouble Maker - Janet Evanovich
12)The Summoning - Kelley Armstrong
13)Betrayals - Lili St.Crow
14)Wicked Appetite - Janet Evanovich
15)Awakening - Kelley Armstrong
16)Linger - Maggie Strefvater
17)Shine - Lauren Myracle

In My Mailbox (2 & 3)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

This is crazy awesome

This site is like groupon or any other site that will give you half off if not more off on something and it changes every day!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Wish list (2)

Jealousy by Lili St. Crow
Hunger by Jackie Morse Kessler
Babe in Boyland by Jody Gehrman
iDrakula by Bekka Black
Braless in Wonderland by Debbie Reed Fischer
The Hollow by Jessica Verday
13 to Life by Shannon Delany
Balefire by Cate Tiernan
XVI by Julia Karr
Boys that Bite by Marianne Mancusi
Slice of Cherry by Dia Reeves
Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols
The Secret Year by Jennifer R. Hubbard
Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey
The Debs by Susan McBride
Vibes by Amy Kathleen Ryan
Savor the Moment by Nora Roberts
Vamps and the City by Kerrelyn Sparks
Wicked Appetite by Janet Evanovich
Between the Plums by Janet Evanovich

Beyond the best contest I have ever seen!



Follow my blog friday


What makes up you non-human family? I have two cats and two dogs! I love them shiatsu, collie, tortoise shell and Bombay. Abby,
Sammy, Snickers, and Lucy

To join the fun and make now book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host { Parajunkee.com } and any one else you want to follow on the list
Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
Follow Follow Follow as many as you can
If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
If you want to show the link list, just follow the link below the entries and copy and paste it within your post!
If your new to the follow friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!


Author: Lili St. Crow
Series: Strange angels
Publisher: penguin group
Publication Date: 2009
Pages: 296
How Received: Borrowed
Genre: 1.Supernatural - Fiction 2. High school - Fiction 3. Psychic - Fiction 4. werewolves - Fiction 5. Vampire - Fiction 7. Orphan - fiction
Rating: 5

For her own protection sisteen year old Dru is taken to a secret training facility that feels more like a prison, but she faces great danger there and learns that a traitor who was involved in her mothers death now wants her dead.

I love this story! It aligns amazingly with the first book. Not all sequals are good enough to do that.Amazing storyline and as always amazing characters! I flew through this book without a hitch. It's very difficult to put down. Betrayals and the summoning saved me from the most Boring day of my entire life. I finished off the summining while at my mom's doctors office. Then started and finished Betrayals through my mom's lame planting seminar, as well as Lunch and Dinner. Strange angels is a must read series. Always keeps you guessing. Just when you think you have it all figured out everything changes. I highly recommend this book!

The summoning

Author: Kelley Armstrong
Series: The summoning
Publisher: Harper collins
Publication Date: 2008
Pages: 390
How Received: Borrowed
Genre: 1.Supernatural - Fiction 2. Group homes - Fiction
Rating: 5!

After 15 year old Chloe starts seeing ghosts and is sent to Lyle house, a mysterious group home for mentally disturbed teenagers, she soon discovers that neither Lyle house nor its inhabitants are exactly what they seem, and that she and her new friends are in danger.

The beginning is very fast paced after the flash back that starts the stroy and gives it a little history. Before you know it you are well into the book. It is an amazing read and it is difficult to put down. I recommend this series on the highest level possible. I can not wait for the next book to be in my hands so I can devour it. When Chloe gets to Lyle house it's so odd. But by the time she has been in lyle house for a week the real action starts to take place. I love the plot and the mix of normal people with the super humans. The summoning is one of those books you can't put down and when you get to the end you just need to have the next one by you so you can jump to the next book! If I hadn't said it enough this book is one of my all time favorites!!!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Trouble Maker

Author: Janet Evanovich
Series: ---
Publisher: Dark horse books
Publication Date: 2010
How Received: Borrowed
Rating: 3 Stars

Review: The drawing didn't do the characters any justice. Of course this review isn't about the art. The story line was way simple it ended weird. Mostly because it has another one in the sequel. I believe Janet Evanovich should stick to novels they fit her writing style better.

Wonderful contest!

The wonderful Lauren Oliver is having a great contest! 5 winners will receive a signed finished copy of Delirium and a wonderful book thong.

Click HERE to enter!

I love him to pieces

Author: Evonne Tsang
Series: My boyfriend is a monster
Publisher: Lerner Publishing Group
Publication Date: April 1, 2011
Pages: 128
How Received: Publisher
Genre: 1.Family & Everyday Life: Love & Romance - Fiction
Rating: 5 Stars

Can love survive the zombie apocalypse? Maybe Dicey's first chance at a real relationship was dead from the start. She's the star of her high school baseball team, and Jack's the star of the science program. Her idea of a study session includes sleeping in the sun, and his idea of a good game involves dungeons and dice. But opposites start attracting when they're assigned to be partners in a class project. Now an outbreak of a weird infection—it eats your brains and leaves you hungry for more—might not mean just the end of their first date. It might mean the end of everything. Will their relationship fall apart faster than zombies in the Florida sun, or can Dicey and Jack beat the odds and find a happy ending?

The drawings are very detailed and yet cutesy. The beginning of the book was sort of confusing but it made up for it in humor! I loved this manga. I loved the fact that the hero was female and how entertaining it was. It was very sweet and tore at the hem of the social status. Also, the pelican post at the end was highly amusing! I can't wait till the next one. I highly recommend this to everyone.

Monday, January 10, 2011

This Girl is Different

Author: JJ Johnson
Series: ---
Publisher: Peachtree Publishers
Publication Date: April 1, 2011
Pages: 319
How Received: Publisher
Genre: 1.Family and everyday life - Fiction

Rating: 5 Stars

Summary: What happens when a girl, homeschooled by her counterculture mother, decides to spend her senior year in public school? First friendship, first love—and first encounters with the complexities of authority and responsibility.

This Books is beyond interesting from beginning to end. It amazed me through out the whole book. None stop action going on in this book. Normally in a book it has a slow start but not this one. This book touched me and those kind of books are the best kind because it feels like your there or for me its like watching a movie.I'm not sure I can do this book any justice. It is by far one of the top 3 books I've read this year, and I've read about 11 books in the last 10 days.I love the way JJ Johnson describes things. The characters are amazing and dynamic they are...ah no words for them. Evie is an amazing lead character as well. It is so hard not to tell all about this book. It makes a person think about things they may have never thought of before. It had a lot of drama and no one likes drama but this is the kind of book you just can't put down this story continued to amaze me. I love the flow and and how it puts thing in perspective. The end was... well you'll just have to read it for yourself. But since i'm listening to Taylor Swift i'll just say this; It's like a fairytale.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Gift

Author: James Patterson
Series: Witch and Wizard
Publisher: Hachette Book Group
Publication Date: December 2010
How Received: Borrowed
Rating: 3 Stars

Summary: After escaping imprisonment by the totalitarian regime known as the new order, siblings Wisty and Whit Allgood, who possess magical powers, establish themselves as leaders of the resistance, a hidden community like themselves, hunted by the state and determined to defy its ban on the arts, magic, and all other forms of creativity.

In my honest opinion of this book I don't like that James Patterson changed the author he was working with on this series. When he worked with Gabrielle Charbonnet on the witch and wizard the book was amazing! I flew threw the book quickly because I just couldn't put it down! But now James Patterson worked with Ned Rust on The Gift Ned Rust also worked with James Patterson on Danile X: Watch the skies There was a huge change in writing not only did the stories not line up but they put in a 3rd point of view. It was better when they didn't include the one who is the one's opinion. That reminds me The one who is the one is a long and annoying name. I guess that adds a few pound of hatred to that man though because it really does work. The book in the beginning was slow and made little sense. I really hope for the rest of the series James Patterson considers working with Gabrielle Charbonnet again because they make a great team. The rest of the book was pretty good. Very fast paced, it had a lot going on. wisty and whit had little down time. The beginning and end were very depressing, yet inspiring. I cant't wait for the next book to see how they improve. I think I may have expected to much from the book which made it not match my exception. Wondering what the next book has in store.


go to: http://totalbookaholic.blogspot.com/2010/12/loserqueen-by-jodi-lynn-anderson.html

For a change to win Loser/Queen by Jodi Lynn Anderson

Go to : http://splashofourworlds.blogspot.com/2010/12/christmas-new-year-giveaway.html

For a chance to win one book off of the list of books!

100 books challenge

Hosted by: My over Bookshelf
1. The goal is to read 100 or more books. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate. Posting on GoodReads or wherever you post your reviews is good enough.

2. Audio, Re-reads, eBooks, YA, Manga, Graphic Novels, Library books, Novellas, Young Reader, Nonfiction – as long as the book has an ISBN or equivalent or can be purchased as such, the book counts.

What doesn't count: Individual short stories or individual books in the Bible.

3. No need to list your books in advance. You may select books as you go. Even if you list them now, you can change the list if needed.

4. Crossovers from other reading challenges count.

5. Challenge begins January 1st thru December, 2011. Books started before the 1st do not count. You can join at anytime.

6. When you sign up under Mr. Linky, put the direct link to your post where your books will be listed. Include the URL to this post so that other viewers can find this fun challenge. If you’d prefer to put your list in the sidebar of your blog, please leave your viewers the link to the sign up page. Again, so viewers can join the challenge too.

My reads so far:
1)Shadow Hills - Anastasia Hopcuc
2)Fire - Kristin Cashore
3)Hex Hall - Rachel Hawkins
4)The Secret Life Of sparrow delaney - Suzanne Harper
5)I heart you, you haunt me - Lisa Schroeder
6)Shiver - Maggie Strefvater
7)Elsewhere - Gabrielle Zevin
8)The Gift - James Patterson
9)This Girl is Different - JJ Johnson
10)I love him to pieces - Evonne Tsang
11)Trouble Maker - Janet Evanovich
12)The Summoning - Kelley Armstrong
13)Betrayals - Lili St.Crow
14)Wicked Appetite - Janet Evanovich
15)Awakening - Kelley Armstrong
16)Linger - Maggie Strefvater
17)Shine - Lauren Myracle

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tell me what you think

What can I change or fix about my page? maybe it's the name or the set up maybe its my in my mailbox. Let me know! I'm opening to your opinions!

In My Mailbox (1)

I started to do a In My Mailbox because of The Story Siren. So here it goes!
I hope it is somewhat helpful! It's not going to be every week its going to be every time I get new books.

YA Challenge

Here are the rules:

1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate. Create a post about the challenge and link your challenge post up in the linky below.

--Non-Bloggers: Post your list of books in the comment section of the wrap-up post.

2. There are four levels:

--The Mini YA Reading Challenge – Read 12 Young Adult novels.

--The "Fun Size" YA Reading Challenge – Read 20 Young Adult novels.

--The Jumbo Size YA Reading Challenge – Read 40 Young Adult novels.

--The Mega size YA Reading Challenge – Read 50+ Young Adult novels.

3. Audio, eBooks, paper, re-reads all count.

4. No need to list your books in advance. You may select books as you go. Even if you list them now, you can change the list if needed.

5. The Challenge starts on January 1, 2011 and goes until December 31, 2011.
I choose:The Mega size YA Reading Challenge
My reads so far:
1)Shadow Hills - Anastasia Hopcuc
2)Fire - Kristin Cashore
3)Hex Hall - Rachel Hawkins
4)The Secret Life Of sparrow delaney - Suzanne Harper
5)I heart you, you haunt me - Lisa Schroeder
6)Shiver - Maggie Strefvater
7)Elsewhere - Gabrielle Zevin
8)The Gift - James Patterson
9)This Girl is Different - JJ Johnson
10)I love him to pieces - Evonne Tsang
11)The Summoning - Kelley Armstrong
12)Betrayals - Lili St.Crow
13)Awakening - Kelley Armstrong
14)Linger - Maggie Strefvater
15)shine - Lauren Myracle


Author: Gabrielle Zevin
Series: ---
Publisher: Square Fish
Publication Date: 2005
Pages: 277
How Received: Borrowed
Genre: 1.Future life - Fiction. 2. Death - Fiction

Rating: 4 Stars

Summary: After Fifteen-year old Liz Hall is hit by a taxi and killed, she finds herself in a place that is both like and unlike earth, where she must adjust to her new status and figure out how to "live."

The beginning was wonderful and strong. Some parts before chapter 12 we meet the character at her worst I guess you could say. I so wanted to hate he but as I continued she began to realize everything and The story began to blossom more beautifully then before. The book in all was pretty remarkable. Considering that I wasn't sure if I would be able to finish it. I actually recommend this book! The ideas just flowed it was a very touching story! I wouldn't have Gabrielle Zevin write this any other way.

Read in 2011

Shadow Hills - Anastasia Hopcuc 5/5
Fire - Kristin Cashore 5/5
Hex Hall - Rachel Hawkins 5/5
The Secret Life Of sparrow delaney - Suzanne Harper 5/5
I heart you, you haunt me - Lisa Schroeder 4/5
Shiver - Maggie Strefvater 5/5

Those of the above Will not be Reviewed I put the Rating next to it. I have since moved on to other books. those below that are bold have not been reviewed.

Elsewhere - Gabrielle Zevin
The Gift - James Patterson
This Girl is Different - JJ Johnson
Angel Burn - L.A. Weatherly
I love him to pieces - Evonne Tsang
Trouble Maker - Janet Evanovich
The Summoning - Kelley Armstrong
Betrayals - Lili St.Crow
The Dark Divine - Bree Despain
Wicked Appetite - Janet Evanovich
Awakening - Kelley Armstrong
Linger - Maggie Strefvater
Shine - Lauren Myracle
Crusade - Nancy Holder & Debbie Viguie

Wish List (1)

Why I Let My Hair Grow Out by Maryrose Wood
Everything I Was by Corinne Demas
Chain Reaction by Simone Elkeles
Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins
Elixir by Hilary Duff
Matched by Allyson Braithwaite Condie
The Book of Spells by Kate Brian
Angel by James Patterson
Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel
Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
13 to Life by Shannon Delany
Nevermore by Kelly Creagh
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
Gone by Lisa McMann
Firelight by Sophie Jordan
The Princess and the Snowbird by Mette Ivie Harrison
Need by Carrie Jones
The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima
Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink
Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev
Wings by Aprilynne Pike
The Princess and the Bear by Mette Ivie Harrison
Red-Headed Stepchild by Jaye Wells
Braless in Wonderland by Debbie Reed Fischer
Lucky by Rachel Vail
The Dreaming, Volume 3 by Queenie Chan
Stray by Rachel Vincent
Beastly by Alex Flinn

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sarita's Wishlist

The Pledge by Kimberly Derting
Eat, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst
Desires of The Dead by Kimberly Derting
A Need So Beautiful by Suzanne Young
A Want So Bad by Suzanne Young
The Gathering by Kelly Armstrong
The Lost Saint by Bree Despain
Entice by Carrie Jones
Graveminder by Melissa Marr
Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz
If I Die by Rachel Vincent
After Obsession by Carrie Jones
Enthralled by Melissa Marr
Pennitance by Jennifer Laurens
Absolution by Jennifer Laurens

Moujnir's Wishlist

The Maze Runner Trilogy by James Dashner. Consists of The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials, and The Death Cure.      13 to Life series by Shannon Delany. There will be five books in total, but so far there is only 13 to Life, Secrets and Shadows, and Bargains and Betrayals.
Soul Screamers Series by Rachel Vincent. Five books in total so far.
Perfect Chemistry Trilogy by Simone Elkeles Consists of Perfect Chemistry, Rules of Attraction, and Chain Reaction.
Beautiful Creatures series by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl.                                                                                                Vampire Academy Series by Richelle Mead
Storm Born series by Richelle Mead
The Demon's Lexicon Series by Sarah Rees Brennan
The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini. Consists of Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, and Inheritance.                              The Leviathan Trilogy by Scott Westerfeld.

Kati's Wishlist

I am currently in the middle of rebuilding this wish list! UPDATED: 8/2/2018 4:36 PM

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