I hope everyone has been finding their new favorite book!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Verso Artist Series E-reader covers

Who makes it: Lightwedge
Review: I really, really love this cover. I was so excited when I got the cover I had to stop everything I was doing and show the blog! It smells amazing (yes I know it's a bit strange). The designs are beautiful and it stopped my kitty from completely destroying my kindle! I do have to say that I think it is a bit tight for the kindles and would most likely fit a Nook better. And I was kind of afraid to twist the cover to the back I didn't want to break such a pretty cover! I may not be big on Pink but that didn't stop me from falling in love with this cover! I also have to say the cover saved my Kindle twice the first time with the cat and the second time from my swim bag. Also the cover to the <<-- Left is what my cover looks like. Go check out these amazing covers if you have an e-book! Then let me know what you think!

Saturday Show Off

Saturday Show off is kind of like Follow Friday and Bookshelf Showcase. If you have any interest in signing up please do so by contacting me at klearboredom@yahoo.com
Jeff Horton:
My name is Jeff Horton, an author of Christian fiction, and I have written three novels to date; The Great Collapse-Survivors of the Pulse, The Dark Age-Survivors of the Pulse, and The Last Prophet. I'll take any help promoting I can get!

Check out my website at http://www.hortonlibrary.com.
I'm also on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/Author.Jeff.Horton,
Twitter, http://twitter.com/#!/Jeff_Horton and
Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4478744.Jeff_W_Horton!

The Dark Age-ISBN: 978-1-937085-04-9
The Last Prophet- ISBN: 978-1-937085-03-2

Friday, July 29, 2011


Thank you Little Brown!!

Updates, help needed, important information!

For this blog Moujnir and I should be back and in the swing of things soon! We have some tours coming up! I'm working on Guardian of the Dead and The Prophecy of the Sisters Trilogy as well as The Juliet Spell, Tris and Izzy, My Life Undecided, Citizen out, Imaginary Girls, and Gracie and the Preacher. I am currently unaware of what Moujnir is reading but I know she has a lot of reviews she is writing. She just got done with Fast Draft. So I hope she relaxes a bit and I am super sick so all I do all day is sleep or read. I hope to get better soon and I hope you all understand we are just Teenagers! We are currently looking for helpers on three blogs! 

Jagged Edge Reviews - We need reviewers and possible interviewers I also need more people helping me get authors for interviews and guest posts. But mainly I need reviewers. I do get a lot of offers, I will also give you access to all my e-books.
Up All Night - I need anyone who can review anything other then books because those are on Jagged Edge. It can be movies, Tv shows, Resturants, Clothing, etc.
US Book Giveaways - I need to people to add giveaways for the US and International areas.
If you can help in any area please e-mail me at klearboredom@yahoo.com!

For those of you who love reviews of any sort and like Moujnir and my (Kati) reviews please check out and Follow Up All Night! It may not mean a lot to you but it really means a lot to us! So help us out! Also the blog will have it's first Giveaway on August 1st. So make sure to share that with everyone as well! Thank you guys very much!

Follow Friday

Q. Let's step away from books for a second and get personal. What T-Shirt slogan best describes you?

Wow there where sooo many t-shirts I looked at that reminded me of me (sounds bad ahah). Ok so I saw the Boo Fricken' hoo shirt (had a ghost on it) That is kind of my attitude. I'm one of those people that will in my head tell you to get over it. Then there was the Average Joes shirt (from Dodgeball) and I thought that fit me because I feel average. I saw the "I think I know you from Facebook" Because facebook is how I know most authors and fellow bloggers. Then there were the Zombies t-shirts I love Zombies it's so weird I don't really understand why ahah. Lastly there was A shih tzu is my homboy and even though my shih tzu is a girl she is still the one that pretty much never leaves my side. So in all I guess I just decided to go with this because I ALWAYS say it.. (just take away Mr.Rogers.)

Oh I also thought about the "I can't F*cking Spell" Shirt explanation not needed.

Magic Lamp Friday

So this is a meme hosted by Ya-Aholic. 
  • It's called If I had a Magic Lamp Friday or for short MLF. 
  • For MLF you will post that if you had a magic lamp what would you wish for?  It can be anything from meeting your favorite author, wishing you had a book way before it was released, or well anything! 
Wish one:I wish I had Forgotten by Cat Patrick so I can finish reading it!
Wish two: I wish I had Guardian of the Gate by Michelle Zink so I would have the whole series.
Wish three: I wish I have another week just like I had at the beginning of the last week.
Guardian of the Gate (Prophecy of the Sisters)Forgotten

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Winnemucca Giveaway

Giving away five copies of Winnemucca [the digitally signed, Wounded Warriors Edition] during the blitz and one Amazon $15 gift certificate. 

To win, I'd like readers to leave their road trip story in thecomments of the blogger [with their email address in case of a win!]. 
Giveaway goes until 10PM July 28th, PST. 

Winnemucca, YA Author’s Debut Paranormal Coming-Of-Age Novel, Explores Freedom & Forgiveness To Benefit Wounded Warriors
Monterey Peninsula, CA, July 15, 2011 – Laura A. H. Elliott releases her young-adult debut novel, Winnemucca, for the Kindle on Amazon.com. Winnemucca is a small-town fairy tale about a teenage girl’s enchanted road trip to her true self no matter who or what tries to stop her. One of two digital editions includes Laura’s digital signature with a donation to the Wounded Warrior project, in her nephew’s honor. Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa9n1KIpaWw

“The story is told in poetic prose that I have not read since the writers of an older age. The tone of the story is set through the voice of the girl runaway before she has even realized her own talents, and is spoken with ‘the sound truth makes being said,’ as Ray Bradbury once coined the term. Emerging from a sea of derivative and formulaic novels, WINNEMUCCA is a fresh view of a world that is at once savage and beautiful, crushing and hopeful, and above all, brings magic back to ancient storytelling by bringing our attention back to the little things that matter, and the shifting nature of perception and reality alike.” -Rachel Coles, YA Book Reviewer and Author of 5 Young Adult Paranormal Fiction Novels

“The voice is distinct and the world she creates is both magical and mundane. As I read the book it reminded me of Neil Gaiman’s AMERICAN GODS.” -Matthew Hill, editor

“The themes in my work are always the same: freedom and forgiveness. I am fascinated how the footprints of our ancestors can follow us into the future. I enjoy illuminating these ideas in my fiction. In this novel, I explore courage and the cost of freedom. I’m hoping WINNEMUCCA will get generations of people talking to each other about the role of freedom and forgiveness in their lives.” - Laura A. H. Elliott. Her favorite quote from the book: “Fear’s as blind as love.”

Laura’s travel and personal essays have been published in The Los Angeles Times and other Southern California newspapers and magazines. She honed her storytelling skills as a multimedia designer at The Los Angeles Times and E! Entertainment Television but learns the most around dinner tables. She has two grown daughters and currently resides on the Monterey Peninsula, with her husband, Joe, and their Aussie shepherd, Oso.

For more information contact:

Laura In The News:
For news coverage about our nephew, Cody:

One mistake changes her life forever. One answer will set her free.
Once upon a time Ginny’s road blood ripened, the day she got wise to love. Engaged to the high school quarterback, his quarter-carat ring and enchanting smile should have been enough for her. But, she stands him up and takes a walk where every step questions her happily ever after gone-bad and the fate of the mother she never knew. The mother her father refuses to talk about. Ginny fights to untangle her big, fat, lie-of-a-life on an enchanted road trip to Winnemucca, where she believes all her answers lie, no matter who or what tries to stop her.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Author: Renee Ahdieh
Series: ---
Publisher: Revolution Publishing Inc.
Publication Date: May 13, 2011
How Received: For Review
Rate: 4.5

Summary: (as quoted from Amazon) One Sunday afternoon, she meets a movie star. Tom Abramson is intelligent, charming, and impetuous. In other words, he plays the role a bit too well. She isn’t falling for it. She knows better. All British men are not descendants of Fitzwilliam Darcy, and movie stars are genetic mutations gone awry: X-Men with statistical disadvantages and emotional handicaps. Keep your knight in shining armor. A modern girl can rescue herself, thank you very much. After all, dreams are for the foolhardy, nightmares are just a part of life, and . . . this is not your average fairy tale.
My thoughts:
Fanfare is, in four words: A romantic love story. It tells the story of a young woman named Cristina- know as Cris- who is just your average person recovering from a terrible heartbreak. But then, on one fateful day, she meets Tom, a sweet, sensible guy who just happens to be the latest rising star of Hollywood. What starts out as a simple friendship quickly turns into a burgeoning romance. Cris's feisty attitude combined with Tom's laid back manner makes a sweet, funny, and very unlikely couple. With a fun plot, great characters, and an awesome ending, Fanfare is a must-read.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Boyfriend Bites

Author: Dan Jolley
Series: My Boyfriends a Monster
Publisher: Lerner publishing group
Publication Date: 10/1/11
How Received: For review
Rate: 5

Review: I'm not big on the art in this one the lips are sooo weird. I love this one more the then second on in the My Boyfriend is a Monster series. This one is very humorous. These are quick reads so you could read the whole series within maybe three hours or less.

My other two reviews of the books in the series.
#1 I love him to pieces 
#2 Made For Each Other

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Two Brothers Metz are back with a guest post!

Rhett: The Two Brothers Metz are thrilled to be back on Jagged Edge (home of our first author interview) for a guest post.

Lafe:  Thanks for having us back, Kati!  You rock!

Rhett:  Full disclosure, we’re writing this in a google doc, and Lafe used “cat’s pajamas” and “bee’s knees” before erasing them and writing “you rock.”  What a nerd!

Lafe:  Ah man!  Don’t make me attach a photo of you playing cello on the “very cool” ninth grade orchestra trip.

Rhett:  Hey - we went to Toronto and saw Phantom of the Opera - we were Legen... wait for it... DARY!

Lafe:  In your own imaginations, maybe.  But there was one legendary night - at least to us - that Kati’s readers might want to hear about.

Rhett:  Too right.  We like to use guest posts to tell a story from one of our experiences while writing Gypsy Knights... turns out we’re kinda, well, crazy.  So, the crazy night in question involves a Pirates game (before they were good and the city jumped on the band wagon) and a Union Pacific deadhead of coal cars.

Lafe:  There’s this John Steinbeck hobo romance quality to trains that we’ve always loved.  And Durriken - the main character of Gypsy Knights - grows up on a freight train.  So after the Buccos game, we were walking back to the Post Office parking lot where we always parked illegally right up to the point where Rhett got his truck towed - how much was that ticket, anyway?

Rhett:  Ugh... I had almost forgotten that - it was 125 plumpaliscious simoleons.

Lafe:  Man, that hurts.  Anyway, the walk back to the truck led under a train trestle.  We’d spent the game in the cheap seats in right field talking about Gypsy Knights and as we walked under the trestle, a coal train rumbled by.

Rhett:  I don’t even remember if we talked about it.  Durriken was running through our veins.  We both just sort of wandered over to the fence and started scouting for the shortest drop to the rail bed.

Lafe: I’m sure everyone who has a brother or sister - or a really tight best friend - knows the feeling.  Sometimes you just know you’re thinking the same thing and no words are necessary. You just do it.

Rhett:  Next thing we know we’re running flat out beside the train.  I can tell you one thing: it ain’t as easy as it looks in the movies!  The rocks are big and you need your eyes to guide your feet so you don’t fall.  So you look down, and then you realize you’ll kill yourself if you don’t watch where you’re going.  It only takes a few seconds, but grabbing onto that ladder and pulling yourself up feels like an eternity.

Lafe:  The train hisses and groans and shifts and rocks and it’s loud as hell.  You whoop for joy when you climb to the top and look around to make sure your brother is on board.

Rhett:  So we manage to get our fat sausage-eating selves on board this big gorgeous train and what does the train do?

Lafe: Starts hauling ass.

Rhett: Man, it’s flying!  There’s no getting off.  It started as a lark, and quickly became a serious undertaking.  We couldn’t just hold onto the ladders forever.  There was no choice but to slide on down into the coal car’s guts.

Lafe:  They’re enormous!  It’s like 15 feet down.  We were filthy - smeared with coal dust and no clue when we’d get off or where we’d be.  We figured maybe Cincinnati or somewhere on down the Ohio (we started in Pittsburgh).

Rhett:  So naturally, it starts raining... really hard.

Lafe:  There were donkeys and warthogs beside the usual the cats and dogs.  Really coming down.

Rhett: So we sat back and enjoyed the ride.  Brighton Heights rolled by.  Then Bellevue. Avalon. Emsworth.  Haysville.  Sewickley.  Leetsdale.  Finally the train started slowing down outside of Ambridge.  Anxious to get off, we hazarded a trip down the ladder.  I watched as Lafe executed a double back flip half gainer and landed like some sort of ballerina-swan.

Lafe:  May have been a triple.

Rhett:  Okay, that’s enough.  Meanwhile, I dangled my shaking legs off the end of the ladder and - I swear it to this day - that old engineer opened the throttle as wide as he could.  In a moment of panic I had to rethink my dismount.  The quadruple was out - too bad.  I was just considering where the last twist would land me when my hands slipped...

Lafe: What he’s trying to say is that he fell flat on his face attempting to get off a train moving about six miles an hour.  I watched in horror as he stumbled head long toward the 100-ton train, already composing the eulogy - and my apology to our Mom - in my head.

Rhett: The details are unimportant.  Fact is, I took a little spill getting off (and probably nearly killed myself).  Really, you should not ever try to get on board a moving train.  Nothing could be dumber or more dangerous.

Lafe: Or more awesome.

Rhett: Well, it was pretty awesome.

Lafe: Like our book.  Oh yeah, marketing segue!

Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Gypsy-Knights-Saga-ebook/dp/B0051VRLRS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1311122215&sr=8-1

B&N Nook:



Twitter Handle:

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Interview with Carolyn Macullough

Welcome to Jagged Edge!
Would you like to tell us a little about yourself? Okay-I write young adult novels. My favorite flavor of ice cream at the moment is coconut almond joy. I think these are the two most crucial things about me!

What inspired you to write? My mom, first and foremost. She was the one who encouraged me consistently and planted the idea in my head that I could be a writer.

What authors influenced you as a writer? Oh, so many! Robin McKinley, Patricia McKillip, Angela Carter, Lloyd Alexander--I love them all for different aspects of writing.

Your favorite character? Is it your character or a different authors? I do so love Hari from Robin McKinley's A Blue Sword and Rose from Patricia McKillip's A Winter Rose.

What is your favorite Quote? Why is it your favorite? "Inspiration far more often comes during the work than before it"--Madeline L'Engle. I find that so comforting when I'm stuck or just too scared to sit down and write.

If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world, which would it be? Harry Potter's world for sure! Only I don't want to be a Muggle!

What is at least one thing that every writer needs to have or do? Read. Read, read, read everything you can.

Are your books different to your personal favorite books by other authors? I don't feel that my books measure up to my favorite authors' books--but that just means I have a goal to shoot for!

What lead you to writing in this genre? I love reading this genre.
Where readers can find you? www.onceawitch.com. Send me an email--I love hearing from readers.

Was their a question you wish I would have asked but didn't? Hmmm…maybe if you had asked me "Where would you like me to deposit the million dollars that I'm giving you totally tax free?"

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Interview with Jessica Lee Anderson

Welcome to Jagged Edge!
Thank you!

Would you like to tell us a little about yourself?
I write for children and teens, and I'm the author of TRUDY, BORDER CROSSING, CALLI (forthcoming) as well as nonfiction readers. I’m a member of the Texas Sweethearts & Scoundrels, and I’m afraid I’ve been more of a scoundrel lately than a sweetheart. My life is much more interesting with my two naughty dogs and one incredible husband!

What inspired you to write?
I’ve always loved reading and making up stories. When I was younger, my mom read LITTLE WOMEN by Louisa May Alcott. I felt drawn to the character of Jo March and wanted to write just like she did.

What authors influenced you as a writer?
Louisa May Alcott definitely has influenced me, as has Judy Blume, Mildred Taylor, and Karen Hesse. Many of my closest friends are authors like PJ Hoover, Jo Whittemore, Jenny Moss, E. Kristin Anderson and many more! They continually influence and inspire me.

Your favorite character? Is it your character or a different author’s?
Jo March will probably forever be one of my favorite characters since she touched my heart and felt so real to me.

What is your favorite Quote? Why is it your favorite?
He who throws mud only loses ground.” ~Fat Albert

Not only does this quote bring me back, but I think the world (especially the world of politics) would be a friendlier place if we didn’t toss mud.

If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world, which would it be?
As long as my safety would be ensured, I’d want to visit the crazy, dystopian Austin, Texas and venture into the Underworld in the novel SOLSTICE by PJ Hoover.

What is at least one thing that every writer needs to have or do?
Writing can be so full of joy, but there can be many disappointments in this business—cling to that joy and surround yourself with friends and family members who encourage and support you.

Are your books different than your personal favorite books by other authors?
I enjoy all sorts of genres (sci-fi/fantasy, romance, mysteries, etc.), but I’m drawn to contemporary fiction which is mostly what I write.

What lead you to writing in this genre?
I’ve found that my natural writing voice/style is suited for realistic tales though I do like to explore different genres and keep myself challenged.

Where readers can find you?
I love to hear from readers! www.jessicaleeanderson.com

Was there a question you wish I would have asked but didn't?
Hmmm...any other advice to offer? Read as much as you can, devote solid blocks of time to writing, and don’t be afraid to revise or get yourself out there!

Thanks again! 

Saturday Show Off

Saturday Show off is kind of like Follow Friday and Bookshelf Showcase. If you have any interest in signing up please do so by contacting me at klearboredom@yahoo.com
Wendy Mitchell:
I just started a blog called Rage, Sex and Teddy Bears. It revolves around the RomanceErotica genre, with an emphasis on the Paranormal/Urban Fantasy  element. There are also occassional rants about mean, nasty reviewers, pirating, or anything else that sits on my brain and causes an eye twitch.

About Me: I live in rural N.C. on a 20+ acre sanctuary I started for wolf hybrids. As you can imagine, this curtails my social life a bit, so I read. Mainly to keep up with my language skills, so I don't start communicating in barks and howls. I review for several websites and newsletters, but felt the need for more freedom in expressing my thoughts. I don't believe in trashing authors or their works, if I don't like a book I will always be as diplomatic and compassionate as possible. I love strong, independent, kick ass heroines with lots of snark and bite. ( it must be the wolf thing)

Favorite Authors include J.R.Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Shelly Laurenston and Lora Leigh.

            Goodreads:  http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/4656298
            Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/dukediva32

Friday, July 22, 2011

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop

Hosted by  Jennifer of Crazy for Books
Today's question is:
What's the ONE GENRE that you wish you could get into, but just can't?
Kati: I can't get into Non-Fiction. I wish I could get into the Memoir's. I also can't get into anything historical. I would like to be able to get into Historical Romance I can start one but I can never pick it up again after that.


Thursday, July 21, 2011


Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Series: Wolves of Mercy Falls
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Publication Date: June 1, 2010
How Received: Borrowed
Rate: 5

Summary (as quoted from Maggie Stiefvater's website):For years, Grace has watched the wolves in the woods behind her house. One yellow-eyed wolf—her wolf—is a chilling presence she can’t seem to live without. Meanwhile, Sam has lived two lives: In winter, the frozen woods, the protection of the pack, and the silent company of a fearless girl. In summer, a few precious months of being human… until the cold makes him shift back again. 
Now, Grace meets a yellow-eyed boy whose familiarity takes her breath away. It’s her wolf. It has to be. But as winter nears, Sam must fight to stay human—or risk losing himself, and Grace, forever.

My thoughts:
Shiver is a really cool new take on wolves. I loved how the wolves turned into humans in the summer, and back into wolves in the winter. Main characters Grace and Sam are realistic, and even though their problems are out of this world, they themselves are absolutely human. I really related to Sam’s hesitation about approaching Grace, and when he finally did, my heart ached, because I had no idea if their love would survive or not. Grace is such an amazing heroine, and her actions are at times both extremely smart and extremely naïve. The story is told with very graceful prose, and I couldn’t put the book down. Every time I thought that I had figured out what would happen next, the characters surprised me. With a fast-paced, action packed plot, and a sweet yet realistic romance, Stiefvater has created a fantastic novel; Shiver is a must read.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Iron Knight

Author: Julie Kagawa
Series: Iron Fey
Publisher: Harlequin
Published date: October 25, 2011
How Recieved: For Review
Rate: 5+

Ash, former prince of the Winter Court, gave up everything. His title, his home, even his vow of loyalty. All for a girl… and all for nothing. Unless he can earn a soul. 

Review:  I am not gonna lie the first thing that came to my mind with this book was oh no she changed the players so late in the game! She makes Ash sounds like a bleep hole and desperate. But only in the beginning after that its all action. I love ash hes my favorite character but this book had some dull points and to much of the seer. Other then that it was entertaining and funny. I loved this story kind of reminded me of twilight with all the love triangles. I think this series gets better as it goes I am sad to see it end. I would love to see puck get his own story... Im not even team puck but ive grown to love him almost as much as ash. This is a book that cannot be missed!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Iron Queen

Author: Julie Kagawa
Series: Iron Fey
Publisher: Harlequin
Published date: January 25, 2011
How Recieved: For Review
Rate: 5

My name is Meghan Chase.
I thought it was over. That my time with the fey, the impossible choices I had to make, the sacrifices of those I loved, was behind me. But a storm is approaching, an army of Iron fey that will drag me back, kicking and screaming. Drag me away from the banished prince who's sworn to stand by my side. Drag me into the core of conflict so powerful, I'm not sure anyone can survive it.
This time, there will be no turning back.

Review: As I read Iron Queen all I could think of was how awesome Rupert Grint would be as puck. Ahah. The series has yet to let me down. Its captivating and memorable. This could be a huge series. Kind of like the harry potter books. (sorry harry potter on the brain) I Know I was a bit slow on reading it but i'm glad I waited. It is amazing, breath taking and the end just broke my heart every night I found myself up till 5am fighting to finish the series. Just starving for more this series will take your heart and never give it back. I found myself dropping everything to read it. Sadly I read the book on my kindle instead of the physical book that's the one thing that made me sad about the whole thing I read the whole series via ebook.

Monday, July 18, 2011


I don't normally do this but I need 48 people to email me klearboredom@yahoo.com
There are 48 books left to giveaway. E-mail me and tell me what you want!

17 Jaime Buckley - WANTED:HERO
4 alan nayes - BARBRY POINT 

1 Cheryl Grey - Format Your eBook the Free and Easy Way
Tom  Peters - Gracie and the Preacher
Jason W Baccaro - Prophecy of the Guardian & Siege of Darkness 

Verso Clip Light

Who makes it: Lightwedge
Review: First off I have to say thank you to Light Wedge for donating the clip light and Kindle cover. I love them! When I first received the light I opened it and put it on the cover and brought my kindle to the darkest place in the house. The light is way brighter then anyone would have ever thought its not one of those light where you have to get super close to be able to see it no it is really bright! It reflects weird on the kindle but it does help you see a whole lot better with it. Although it says its for E-Readers it also works wonders on physical books. The clip is strong and sturdy, I love how adjustable the neck is, and I can't wait to see how long the batteries last me! The package it comes in is nice and easy to open. The light comes in four different colors, white, back, blue and , red. I also like how small it is. I'm sure you all know the saying bigger is better, well not in this case. This tiny light shines bright, it goes far and it works like a charm. All of those amazing components for only 14.99! All in all, this is one amazing product. To all you book lovers this is defiantly to clip light to get.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Everyone who received an e-mail from me regarding the Giveaway is a winner. If you don't get back to me by the end of the night I will pick new people. There were so many winners I am unsure who all won but for those of you who did I hope you enjoy your books also thank you to every author who donated!
Kay Springsteen, Annie Tibbets, Kenya Williamson, Verna Clay, Christine Nolfi, Jaime Buckley, alan nayes, Tim Kizer, Cheryl Grey, Tom  Peters, Metz Brothers, S.E. Foulk, Jason W Baccaro, Marie Crist, Rachel Karns, Aaron Patterson, Carmen Ferreiro, Elizabeth Scott, Amanda Ashby, Megan Duncan, Heather Hildenbrand, Lauren HammondTom Gagliano, Jason W Baccaro, sibelle hodge, ETC. (sorry I couldn't add more .. will do later. computers acting up)

Interview with Simone Elkeles!

Welcome to Jagged Edge!
Would you like to tell us a little about yourself?
I was born and raised in Chicago, love sports (as a native Chicagoan, it’s in my blood) and wanted to try out for the football team in high school but no other girl would try out with me.  I have a sister who lives in California and my father was Israeli (my mother is American).  I love dogs (I have two) and I’m married with two kids.  People say I have a Chicago accent, but I don’t believe them, ha ha. 
What inspired you to write?
I hated reading as a teen and wanted to write books that I think I would have liked to read as a teen. 
What authors influenced you as a writer?
If I had to pick, I’d say Judy Blume because she was the only author of teen novels who pushed the envelope and wrote edgy novels that had to do with REAL teen issues like sex. There was another book called Sooner or Later (which eventually became a made-for-tv movie) that also dealt with real issues that I loved.

Your favorite character? Is it your character or a different authors?
I think my favorite character would have to be Alex Fuentes from my book Perfect Chemistry because he’d do anything for his family and I totally love and respect that!
What is your favorite Quote? Why is it your favorite?
“Getting close to the fire doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get burned.” ~Alex Fuentes in Perfect Chemistry
I love that quote because it shows such confidence – I like confidence in a man and Alex knows when to use it.
If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world, which would it be?
DEFINITELY not The Hunger Games!  I’d like to live inside my book Perfect Chemistry so I could tell Alex that everything will turn out great in the end!  (I’d also want to meet him personally!)  I’ve lived in Amy and Avi’s world in my How to Ruin series – everywhere in the book she goes in Israel I’ve been and I also met my Israeli husband in Israel when I was 17 (we got married 9 years later).
What is at least one thing that every writer needs to have or do?
Have a great imagination, and not be afraid to put your characters in awful situations.
Are your books different to your personal favorite books by other authors?
I love reading my own books (seriously), but I also like to read historical romance novels by Julia Quinn- they’re amazing!
What lead you to writing in this genre?
I tried writing adult books first, but when I started my first Young Adult novel the words just flowed out.  My “voice” is definitely teen-centric and it works for me!
Where readers can find you?
They can always find me on Facebook (I’m active on my personal page and my other fan pages like the Perfect Chemistry fan page and the Simone Elkeles fan page).  My website is at www.simoneelkeles.net and I’m also on Twitter @SimoneElkeles.
When is the Chain Reaction book coming out, and when can I get a sneak peek at the book trailer for it?
Thanks for asking!  Chain Reaction will be in bookstores in the United States on August 16th.  The book trailer (with Alexander F. Rodriguez as Alex, Giancarlo Vidrio as Carlos, and Gabriel Chavarria as Luis) will be released on Figment.com hopefully this week!
Thanks for the interview!

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