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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Winnemucca Giveaway

Giving away five copies of Winnemucca [the digitally signed, Wounded Warriors Edition] during the blitz and one Amazon $15 gift certificate. 

To win, I'd like readers to leave their road trip story in thecomments of the blogger [with their email address in case of a win!]. 
Giveaway goes until 10PM July 28th, PST. 

Winnemucca, YA Author’s Debut Paranormal Coming-Of-Age Novel, Explores Freedom & Forgiveness To Benefit Wounded Warriors
Monterey Peninsula, CA, July 15, 2011 – Laura A. H. Elliott releases her young-adult debut novel, Winnemucca, for the Kindle on Amazon.com. Winnemucca is a small-town fairy tale about a teenage girl’s enchanted road trip to her true self no matter who or what tries to stop her. One of two digital editions includes Laura’s digital signature with a donation to the Wounded Warrior project, in her nephew’s honor. Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa9n1KIpaWw

“The story is told in poetic prose that I have not read since the writers of an older age. The tone of the story is set through the voice of the girl runaway before she has even realized her own talents, and is spoken with ‘the sound truth makes being said,’ as Ray Bradbury once coined the term. Emerging from a sea of derivative and formulaic novels, WINNEMUCCA is a fresh view of a world that is at once savage and beautiful, crushing and hopeful, and above all, brings magic back to ancient storytelling by bringing our attention back to the little things that matter, and the shifting nature of perception and reality alike.” -Rachel Coles, YA Book Reviewer and Author of 5 Young Adult Paranormal Fiction Novels

“The voice is distinct and the world she creates is both magical and mundane. As I read the book it reminded me of Neil Gaiman’s AMERICAN GODS.” -Matthew Hill, editor

“The themes in my work are always the same: freedom and forgiveness. I am fascinated how the footprints of our ancestors can follow us into the future. I enjoy illuminating these ideas in my fiction. In this novel, I explore courage and the cost of freedom. I’m hoping WINNEMUCCA will get generations of people talking to each other about the role of freedom and forgiveness in their lives.” - Laura A. H. Elliott. Her favorite quote from the book: “Fear’s as blind as love.”

Laura’s travel and personal essays have been published in The Los Angeles Times and other Southern California newspapers and magazines. She honed her storytelling skills as a multimedia designer at The Los Angeles Times and E! Entertainment Television but learns the most around dinner tables. She has two grown daughters and currently resides on the Monterey Peninsula, with her husband, Joe, and their Aussie shepherd, Oso.

For more information contact:

Laura In The News:
For news coverage about our nephew, Cody:

One mistake changes her life forever. One answer will set her free.
Once upon a time Ginny’s road blood ripened, the day she got wise to love. Engaged to the high school quarterback, his quarter-carat ring and enchanting smile should have been enough for her. But, she stands him up and takes a walk where every step questions her happily ever after gone-bad and the fate of the mother she never knew. The mother her father refuses to talk about. Ginny fights to untangle her big, fat, lie-of-a-life on an enchanted road trip to Winnemucca, where she believes all her answers lie, no matter who or what tries to stop her.


Meredith said...

I don't have too many road trip stories. The last road trip we took was many years ago when we drove to North Carolina to see a friend of mine, leaving spontaneously to surprise her. Drove all night and spent the weekend there. It was a lot of fun.

meredithfl at gmail dot com

anme said...

One semi-road trip occurred when my family drove me back to college for the beginning of the semester. It is typically about a 4 hour drive but just over halfway there, the transmission broke, leaving us to limp along the highway at around 30 miles an hour until we could pull off at a mechanics.
Since we were in an area where we knew no one, had not that much money, and needed to drop me off at college, we elected for a quick fix, that took maybe an hour, in the hopes that it can get us to my college.
Alas, it broke again maybe 30 minutes later, and we just limped along again until we finally arrived, something like 7-8 hours after we left.
My parents called for tow trucks while my brother and I unloaded the car in record time. (Most people had arrived by then, so dollies and elevators were available, yay?)
Interestingly, though it was a long and money siphoning day, we were not very snippy with each other. And at least mom and dad didn't have to drive back home, since the tow truck driver did it for them.

Laura A. H. Elliott said...


I think the best road trips are the ones that happen at the drop of a hat:)

My road trip to Winnemucca was very much like that. My daughter and I just took off to Mt. Rushmore from LA after she graduated from college. It was an amazing trip. A bison almost walked into my car in Yellowstone!

Thanks for sharing your story and entering the giveaway. I love surprises. Road trip + surprise = AMAZING. I hope the post brought back some good memories! Good luck!

Laura A. H. Elliott said...


Wow. As if moving to college isn't epic enough, huh? WHAT a story. And the best part for me was when you said even after everything, you guys weren't snippy with each other. And how cool is it that you didn't have to wait for dollies and elevators. Nice to have a bro to help you out with a move like that, huh?

I have yet to break down on a road trip, but one time when I headed into LA to work, I'd just had my Jeep worked on at the shop and hit the freeway and about a mile down the 101 my tire flew off my car. The guys at the shop forgot to tighten the dang bolts on it. And, well, it was surreal. I watched that tire and PRAYED while it bounced over ten lanes of tons of traffic finally coming to rest at the shoulder!

Thanks for sharing your story and for participating in the giveaway! Good luck:)

Vivien said...

I'm actually going on one next week! I'll be seeing A Perfect Circle!! It's an 8 hour drive. I cannot wait!

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Laura A. H. Elliott said...


That's very cool! I just googled them, and hadn't heard of them before. Great band.

In Winnmeucca, Ginny fights to break free of the "circles of her life." I need to add A Perfect Circle to my playlist for the book:)

Here's my mix for the book:

It's only a sample. Took six years to write, so I couldn't include every song that inspired me in the mix:) Have a wonderful trip! And enjoy A Perfect Circle. Thanks for entering the giveaway, Vivien. Good luck!

Denise Z said...

I have been stalking this tour and it is getting difficult to come up with more memorable road trips :) LOL When I was pregnant with my son we took a road trip to San Francisco. We went on the pier for sourdough and clam chowder of course and played the toss the penny in the dish. Everyone knows you never win the penny in the dish game, but here I am tummy stretching out to Alcatraz tossing my pennies. I won a huge stuffed purple California Raisin - you know the prizes no one ever wins - it was my baby's first gift :)


Laura A. H. Elliott said...

Dear Denise Z,

Hilarious:) Glad your here. I like thinking of the stuffed California Raisin sitting in your baby's room:) Did you leave your heart in San Francisco? I love SF:) Ginny's story is set in a very small town in the San Joaquin Valley in central California. I doubt you've ever heard of it, but it is a very special place to me. Thanks so much for sharing your story and participating in the giveaway! Good Luck!

Mary Preston said...

I've been stalking too & I have only the one really memorable road trip to write about , so here it is again.

When I was about 12, my family crossed the Nullabor Plain from Adelaide to Perth, AUSTRALIA. It was a dirt road back then. Hundreds of miles of nothingness, but dirt, sun & scrubby bushes. Several times we actually saw Aborigines by the side of the road with spears. It was memorable. When ever we saw another car we all went nuts, waving & shouting. The other cars did too.


Laura A. H. Elliott said...

Hey all! To read all the random winning road trip stories and the formal Giveaway Winners Announcement visit [and details]:


I just wanted to stop by and say that Jagged Edge hosted 2 winners!

Winners of a digitally-signed Wounded Warriors edition of Winnemucca are:

Melora & Vivien

YAYYY! Congrats and thanks so much to everyone for participating:) I hope you had as much fun as I did!

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