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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Interview with Jessica Lee Anderson

Welcome to Jagged Edge!
Thank you!

Would you like to tell us a little about yourself?
I write for children and teens, and I'm the author of TRUDY, BORDER CROSSING, CALLI (forthcoming) as well as nonfiction readers. I’m a member of the Texas Sweethearts & Scoundrels, and I’m afraid I’ve been more of a scoundrel lately than a sweetheart. My life is much more interesting with my two naughty dogs and one incredible husband!

What inspired you to write?
I’ve always loved reading and making up stories. When I was younger, my mom read LITTLE WOMEN by Louisa May Alcott. I felt drawn to the character of Jo March and wanted to write just like she did.

What authors influenced you as a writer?
Louisa May Alcott definitely has influenced me, as has Judy Blume, Mildred Taylor, and Karen Hesse. Many of my closest friends are authors like PJ Hoover, Jo Whittemore, Jenny Moss, E. Kristin Anderson and many more! They continually influence and inspire me.

Your favorite character? Is it your character or a different author’s?
Jo March will probably forever be one of my favorite characters since she touched my heart and felt so real to me.

What is your favorite Quote? Why is it your favorite?
He who throws mud only loses ground.” ~Fat Albert

Not only does this quote bring me back, but I think the world (especially the world of politics) would be a friendlier place if we didn’t toss mud.

If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world, which would it be?
As long as my safety would be ensured, I’d want to visit the crazy, dystopian Austin, Texas and venture into the Underworld in the novel SOLSTICE by PJ Hoover.

What is at least one thing that every writer needs to have or do?
Writing can be so full of joy, but there can be many disappointments in this business—cling to that joy and surround yourself with friends and family members who encourage and support you.

Are your books different than your personal favorite books by other authors?
I enjoy all sorts of genres (sci-fi/fantasy, romance, mysteries, etc.), but I’m drawn to contemporary fiction which is mostly what I write.

What lead you to writing in this genre?
I’ve found that my natural writing voice/style is suited for realistic tales though I do like to explore different genres and keep myself challenged.

Where readers can find you?
I love to hear from readers! www.jessicaleeanderson.com

Was there a question you wish I would have asked but didn't?
Hmmm...any other advice to offer? Read as much as you can, devote solid blocks of time to writing, and don’t be afraid to revise or get yourself out there!

Thanks again! 

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