I hope everyone has been finding their new favorite book!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Review: Bossypants

Title: Bossypants
Author: Tina Fey
Publisher: Reagan Arthur Books
Publication Date: January 1, 2011
Reviewer: Elisa

Review: Everyone seems to be writing memoirs these days, which I enjoy and chuckle while I read them, but find I don't have much to say about them afterwards except for, "Oh yea, that was a fun read." This happened with Mindy Kaling's book too, which I really enjoyed but I drew a blank on what to write. But I will find a few words here.

This book is easy good fun. I read it in an afternoon. You learn a bit about Tina's childhood and her dad and some of the interesting/mean things people have said to her. Each chapter is sort of a contained story, though they seem to be told sequentially. I really like the show 30 Rock, so her explanations about how that show came about interested me the most. She shares no dirt about anyone, except for a little bit on herself. In fact, I never noticed her scar on her face but she explains how she got it. The magic of make-up! There were also some stories about SNL and playing Sarah Palin which were fun to read.

She also makes plenty fun of herself, which is always enjoyable as she does that a lot on 30 Rock, and she calls people dummies and dumdums which is part of her shtick as Liz Lemon. I find myself adopting her words all the time, does that make me a Liz Lemon wanna be?! Love it. She gives a shout out to some of her writers and the funny scenes they have offered up.

As a woman in the industry, she discusses the issues they all face, age, weight, how to have kids and work too, it can't be easy! She really works hard to be supportive and keep her show going, knowing how many people it employs.

Well, time to shut this little review down. If you like her, you will like the book. A couple of people have told me they listened to the audio, which Tina Fey reads - I wish I did that because they said it felt like they were having a conversation with her. That would have been awesome, because while I did hear her voice while I read, it would have been better to really hear it. Good fun. 3.5 stars flitting about the fire in the engine of a cruise ship during Ms. Fey's honeymoon.


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