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Friday, November 18, 2016

Review: Stuck in the Passing Lane by Jed Ringel

Stuck in the Passing Lane:
By: Jed Ringel
Publisher: About Face Press
Stars: 2

Summary: What happens when a newly divorced, monogamous, family-oriented Baby Boomer gets trapped on the Internet dating superhighway? From Spanish Harlem to Singapore, in relationships with Muscovite intellectuals and streetwise Chinatown massage parlor queens, Jed Ringel takes you on this hilarious, heartrending, self-revelatory, and sometimes even cringe-worthy journey. With the unsparing comments of his three daughters, and his own honest, self-deprecating assessments, Stuck in the Passing Lane is the non-stop entertaining memoir of a mature man, dauntlessly searching for his last great love; one that won’t, in just a matter of time, become relationship déjà vu.

Review: Stuck in the Passing Lane, was a book that I normally would not read, with that being said that might be the good indicator on why I personally had a hard time reading it. In fact I did not even finish the book. But the concept of the book was good. I thought it was intriguing and thought provoking. It was fast paced to a point, there was a part that I could not get past no matter how many times I tried. To someone else this book is probably very good. I would still say give the book a shot if you are into memoirs and love stories. 

1 comment:

Ethan said...

It is always fun to try to read stuff that falls outside of our normal. Kudos to you for trying something different!

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