I hope everyone has been finding their new favorite book!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Review: Painted Blind

Title: Painted Blind
Author: Michelle Hansen
Publication Date: Jan 14, 2012

Reviewer: Kati

Summary: Seventeen years old and agoraphobic, Psyche Middleton vows her dad will never see the risque photos she took during a summer modeling stint abroad, but one of them ends up on a billboard in her Montana hometown. Suddenly, she is a hometown celebrity. 

At a street carnival she is rescued from a mob by a guy who has the ability to make himself invisible. He takes her to a palace in an idyllic kingdom, and she is swept into the beauty and culture of his world, but his affection has one condition: she may not see him. 

Psyche must decide if she is brave enough to love him blindly, and if she's not, will she lose him forever?

Review: I adored this book. But when I finished it I was half asleep and couldn't write the review but instead of just skipping it I want to say go out and read it! You know you wanna.

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