I hope everyone has been finding their new favorite book!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Review: Screwed

Title: Screwed
Author: Laurie Plissner
Publisher: Merit Press
Publication Date: 
 May 18, 2013
Reviewer: Kati
Rating: 5 Stars

Summary: Flattered by the attentions of Nick, the cutest guy in school, seventeen-year-old Grace Warren, captain of the math team, lets down her guard and gets pregnant the night she loses her virginity. Hopeful that Nick will drop to one knee and propose when she breaks the baby news to him, Grace is heartbroken - Nick wants nothing to do with her. Her best friend, Jennifer, thinks she should get an abortion, but Grace is certain that her morally upright parents will insist that she keep the baby. After she comes clean to her super-religious, strait-laced parents, they surprise her by insisting that she terminate the pregnancy to avoid humiliating the family. But when she sees the fetus on the ultrasound, she decides she can't get rid of it. Deciding to save the tiny life growing inside of her, Grace must face the consequences of being that girl - the good girl who got knocked up.

Review: I love to read the pregnant teen books. It's like my dirty little secret. They are addicting! As I am turning 20 in a few months I am proud to say so far I have beat teen pregnancy! Lol anyways I am excited to say this book is amazing! The author defiantly put a little heart into it. The characters both good and bad were well thought out. The parents seem to be just terrible people. The best friend although annoying most of the time is just like any best friend. The guy that knocked her up is a dick through an through. The main character Grace sounds a lot like me. Well mannered, level headed and a nerd. The surprise love interest is amazing! As I am not fully through this book yet I will have to give you my after thought. But so far I am defiantly in love with the book and will be looking for more books by this author. Oh by the way hate the title. So boring. Ok so I finally finished the book. They can not end it like that. There has got to be more books to follow! I LOVED this book!! Must read!

Rate (1-10)[low to high]:
Quality of writing: 9
Pace: 9
Plot development: 9
Characters: 9
Enjoy ability: 9
Insightful ness: 10
Ease of reading: 9

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