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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Interview with Lynn Crandall

Welcome to Jagged Edge Reviews! Thanks for joining us today. Now we thought we would start you off with some easier questions. 😊

Thank you so much for hosting me on your blog! It’s a pleasure to be here. Now to answer questions.

When you walk into a book store, where is the first place you go? I like to browse the various subgenres of romance. If I’m going to spend some time writing I’ll head to the café, get a black coffee, and get settled in at a table. I’m an introvert and spending time in a bookstore is my kind of social activity. I like to sit looking out over the store, breathing in the scent of books and coffee and taking in the sight of books, books, and more books.

What are you currently reading? I’m trying to read Dan Brown’s Origin. I say trying because I spend a lot of my time researching and writing, so often my eyes need a rest. I’m super excited to get more into the book.

Who are your favorite authors? I have many favorites. Some of my most favorite books were written by Madeleine Le ‘Engle, Charlotte Bronte, and Jane Austen. But I adore books by Kelley Armstrong, Kat Richardson, Jim Butcher, and many more authors.

When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time? I’m a writer. I work all the time. But…I do try for balance and enjoy hiking, biking, and spending time with my family, including my cat Willow. My husband and I moved to our first house with a fireplace two years ago, so in the cold months we enjoy sitting with a fire and just talking. We talk in warm weather too, HaHa.

Tell us about your latest book. My most recent release is a paranormal fantasy romance titled Touch Me. I wanted to write a story about losing a great love and explore what that would be like for characters who are highly evolved descendants of Atlantis born with a mission. It was challenging for me to write and I hope readers find it a different kind of fantasy romance but one worth reading. Touch Me is Book One in my Dark Sides series.

Do you have another work in progress? Tell us about it. I wish I could write four stories at once. I have several projects I’m eager to complete, including a contemporary series about the Steele brothers that begins with Love and Cherish. I’ve also begun Book Two in Darks Sides, titled See Me. I’ve also started rudimentary plotting for a women’s fiction.

What advice do you have for other writers? That’s a great question and one I can only answer from my experience. Typically writing is an author’s passion. Hold on to the passion no matter what and let it guide you. The pleasure of writing is the bottom line for why writers write. Also, I want to add that for me, writing has been a path of personal development. If a writer can see his or her writing from that perspective, it is always worth doing.

What keeps you motivated while writing? That’s an easy one – the love of writing. And I like my writing space with all its niceties: mementos from fans, collages on the walls of my stories, beautiful art, my music, and presently a diffuser.

Did you learn anything from writing your book that was unexpected? Writing Touch Me as I said was challenging but that is what I intended. Still, it was hard. And I thought I had the series plotted, loosely, but as I wrote book one I realized the story was much deeper in scope and concepts than I had expected. I’m even more interested in writing the next two books and hope I can pull it off.

Who inspires you? I must say my husband is my biggest support. He listens, he comforts, he offers suggestions, and hugs. But other authors inspire me to keep going for what I want. I see others struggle with self-doubt, physical challenges, lack of support, among other things, and yet they keep following their passion.

How do you research your books? I like to gather as much pertinent information that I can from first hand interviews with expert sources. There is always so much benefit from talking one-on-one. I get many gems from talking to those special people. For Touch Me, I was so fortunate to find, thanks to my assistant, female bounty hunter/recovery agent Michelle Gomez, who is known as the world’s best bounty hunter. She was very helpful and inspired me to be a strong, feisty woman like her.
But of course I do online research as well. It often directs me to other people.

What are your thoughts on self-publishing verses traditional publishing? Nice question! I am published with a traditional publisher, but at this point in my career I made a conscious decision to self-publish my Dark Sides series. I have self-published several novellas and short stories, but Touch Me is my first indie published full novel. I think the industry has plenty of room for both kinds of publishing. I am enjoying having complete control over my writing and writing something different, but it is a lot of work to promote my book and attract attention. I still like it, though.

What is one of your favorite quotes? Oh man, I am a collector of sayings and quotes. Here’s one from one of The Librarian movies: You are about to begin a most wondersome adventure from which you will never be the same.

What do you like to snack on while you write? I mostly drink coffee. I also like this saying: Get up. Drink coffee. Make stuff up.

What is your biggest pet peeve? Waiting.

Where can people find out more about you and your writing? Please visit my website at https://www.lynn-crandall.com/
Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/LynnCrandallAuthor/
my readers group https://www.facebook.com/groups/LynnCrandallReadingMaestros/?source_id=309463185822350, my Amazon author page https://www.amazon.com/Lynn-Crandall/e/B00AX9OA40/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1 ,
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lcrandall246/, Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/lynncrandallwriter/
BookBub https://www.bookbub.com/authors/lynn-crandall?list=author_books

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