I hope everyone has been finding their new favorite book!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Author: Steve Feasey
Series: Changeling
Publisher: R.R Donnelly& Sons Company
Publication Date: march 2010

How Received: Borrowed
Rating: 5

Fourteen-year-old Trey Laporte is not a kid anymore. Not after the day he wakes up in agony—retina-splitting, vomit-inducing agony. His clothes are torn. His room is trashed. Enter Lucien Charron, the mysterious, long-lost “uncle” with freakish fire-flecked eyes and skin that blisters in the sun. Suddenly, Trey finds himself living in a luxury penthouse at the heart of a strange and sinister empire built on the powers of the Netherworld—vampires, demons, sorcerers, and djinn.  And there is a girl—Alexa Charron—who is half vampire, half human, and insanely pretty, with powers all of her own. Trey is falling for her.  Trey is training night and day to control the newly discovered power lurking inside him. Now, demons are closing in on every side, and the most psychopathic bloodsucker to rock the Netherworld wants to destroy him. Above all,  he  must face one terrifying question: Is he a boy . . . or is he a beast?

Drags you in and keeps you in plus its for both guys and girls! Its so intense you just NEED to keep reading. I love this book! this is amazing totally worth while.... Go read it today! I loved this book so much but I just don't know how much else I can say. Because I don't want any spoilers!

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