I hope everyone has been finding their new favorite book!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Biggest Giveaway I have EVER seen!!

Do you want any of these books cuz I surely do! And guess what? Heather Zundel is giving ALL of these (and more) away in a fantastic giveaway! She is trying to build her following on her blog. To learn more, visit her blog, The Secret Adventures of WriterGirl and tell her that Kati@Bewitching books sent you!! I only need 75 referrals to win a book so help me out! please? =]]

UBER prize pack, filled with books, signed book posters, and swag galore. Every time her followers jumps up to a certain level, another book and/or some awesome book-like treat will be added to the stockpile.

Contest ends February 28th Midnight PST


Heather Zundel said...

Hahaha! Thank you for the kind words. And goodness, 75 referrals would get you SEVEN books, not one! :) Definitely go for it. I would love to send some to you. (and you didn't even mention the swag) ;) And your blog looks great, by the way. :)

25kati said...

Lol thank you! And Thank you for informing me! I shall get on putting info about the swag up! And I try to live by go big or go home! IT's a wonderful motto! I must have been in awe of all the books that I forgot about the Swag! =]

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