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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Interview with Margaret Sarah Bechtel

Welcome to Jagged Edge! 
Thank you for being here with us today would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself?
I grew up in New England, but I live VA now. I have three beautiful niece and nephews, and one more on the way. I'm luckily enough to live down the road from them. I love to read and of course write. I love eighty's shows but I'm a total glee fan aka Gleek.

What is your favorite Quote? 
All who wondered are not lost. J.R Toilken Lord Of The Rings.

If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world, which would it be? 
Harry Potter for sure, I want to have a butterbeer or an every flavored bean.

What is the one thing that every writer needs to have or do? 
Every writer has to believe in their story and let it out, and you must always edit, it's a must.

Are your books different to your personal favorite books by other authors? 
Yes I think they are because I usually like to read fantasy like Harry Potter or Twilight or Lord of The rings, yet my first two novels were dramas.

What author in the same genre as you do you think is going to be the next big thing? 
Mia Castile (Review soon)

Funniest question you have ever been asked? 
Am I team Edward Or team Jacob, I'm team Edward.

What happened while writing one of your books that you did not expect? 
That I was get so emotional at the end of writing them that I cried.

What inspires you the most when you write?
Music it really opens me up.

How did you start writing? 
I starting writing in journal as a teenager, I needed an outlet, I think everyone does.

What are you working on now?
I'm working on The Ten Kings Of Atlantis, it's a YA novel and the squeal to In The Land Of Winter. The squeal surprised me, I have a dream that makes a good opening, so I wrote it down. I was not planning on a book 2.

What are you most excited about this year? 
My niece or nephew being born. And the last Harry Potter film, and Breaking Dawn Part 1.

What book do you wish to see come out as a movie (Doesn't have to be your own)?
 Valley Of The Horses by Jean M. Auel

What is the worst job you have ever had?
I worked as clerk at Walgreens in the ghetto, when I was in college, in a city in RI. Sometimes we would hear gun shots outside the store, and people used to steal all the time.

Was their a question you wish I would have asked but didn't? 

Which Character I loved the most. A: I love Kate from in The Land Of Winter because her voice was so powerful, at least to me. I had a dream about her and that what made me write the book.
Thank you for having me 
Margaret Sarah Bechtel

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