I hope everyone has been finding their new favorite book!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Burn Out

Author: Traci Hohenstein
Published date: Apr. 08, 2011

How Recieved: for review

Summary: Lt. Samantha (Sam) Collins, a firefighter, vanishes after a warehouse fire the week before she was to testify at her estranged husband’s trial for drug charges. The only clue to her disappearance is a firefighter helmet that was left behind at the scene. 

Review: Burn out is too amazing for words. I loved it and devoured it. If it wasnt and ebook I would have loved it more ;) it is a must read. I havent read a mystery like thay in a long time. Strong characters. I felt strongly connected to the book and characters. It is a must read. I encourage you to go to smashword.com and read it today! I also hope for a sequal. 5/5


Denise Z said...

I purchased this one on May 1st and look forward to reading it! Thanks for the review!

25kati said...

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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