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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Muffins and Mayhem

Author: Suzanne Beecher
Series: ---
Publisher: Touchstone

Publication Date: June 1, 2010
How Received: Borrowed
Rate: 5

Summary:Suzanne Beecher’s happy, loving voice has brought more than 350,000 people to her online book club at DearReader.com, where her daily column offers her candid, thought-provoking reflections on life, inspiring countless readers to look at their "ordinary" lives in a new way. By turns funny and poignant, Suzanne is the reassuring friend across the kitchen table with a refreshing, jaunty attitude about life, even in the face of whatever difficulties it may bring. Suzanne has had her own share of troubles to overcome. Left home alone at an early age, she struggled with difficult and distant parents, dealt with heartbreak, became a hard-working single mom, and overcame two substance addictions and a physical impairment. But along the way, she found comfort in baking and sharing food with her friends and family. She learned to take the good with the bad, and her life is now inspiring proof that faith and persistence are the keys to success. This beautifully written celebration of food, friends, and family will nourish Suzanne’s numerous fans and those who have yet to discover her simple, homespun magic.

Review: Muffins and mayhem is a book/memoir that leaves me speechless. Learning all about suzanne made me feel as if I knew her. The stories she told are touching and relate-able  The fact that she adds her recipes for life and nummy food recipes is a plus! But it made me hungry. I would love to visit suzanne for dinner. Lol. I love her www.DearReader.com site which is how I found out about her book. She also sent my mom and aunt a birthday bookplate. Her story brought me to tears.... I'm hungry. Going to eat now. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! What a wonderful review. I am definitely checking out her book and site. Thank you. Donna

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