I hope everyone has been finding their new favorite book!

Friday, August 5, 2011


Author: Cat Patrick
Series: ---
Publisher: Little Brown

Publication Date: June 7, 2011

How Received: Borrowed
Rate: 5
Summary: Each night at precisely 4:33 am, while sixteen-year-old London Lane is asleep, her memory of that day is erased. In the morning, all she can "remember" are events from her future. London is used to relying on reminder notes and a trusted friend to get through the day, but things get complicated when a new boy at school enters the picture. Luke Henry is not someone you'd easily forget, yet try as she might, London can't find him in her memories of things to come. When London starts experiencing disturbing flashbacks, or flash-forwards, as the case may be, she realizes it's time to learn about the past she keeps forgetting-before it destroys her future.
Review: Forgotten is a one of a kind book. It surprised me as much as it did London (read book to understand). This book is more then a girl who cant remember anything. It has pain and love. It includes human child trafficking of sorts. Its a strong and at times chilling book. It can get a little confusing but once you read this book you will love it as much as I did. Really must read. 


Test said...

Ooh, this one sounds so good! The premise sounds really unique (It kind of reminds me of the movie 50 First dates). Thanks for the review! :)

louisvillechiropractic said...

I already fallen in your review.. It sounds so touching and dramatic..I really want to read the book.

Unknown said...

This book sounds interesting. I hope to bumped in to your book one day.

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