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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Interview with Dawn Metcalf

Welcome to Jagged Edge!
Would you like to tell us a little about yourself?

I am a native Chicagoan living in a quaint New England town, balancing life between family, work, and the little voices in my head (which are fortunately fictional and only want to be written down)! I am a youth advocate, a genre geek, and a second-degree black belt with a penchant for dark chocolate and Victorian hats.

How did you Celebrate for LUMINOUS, your first book being publication?
Well, when I got the offer I did a jaw-dropping Happy Dance and called everyone I ever knew ever. For the much-awaited debut launch party, I had a bunch of people I know and love show up for a reading catered by my favorite Mexican restaurant resplendent in decorated skulls, flowers, candles, and colorful papel picado featuring La Catrina. There was Bomba music on the stereo and homemade chocolate skull lollipops lovingly (and obsessively) decorated by me. All in all, it was a fantastic excuse to eat good food and see good friends who understood what a huge, dream-come-true moment this was for me!

What authors influenced you as a writer?
So so so many. Everyone from Shakespeare and Brothers Grimm to Neil Gaiman, William Gibson, Spider Robinson, Joan D. Vinge, Connie Willis & Neal Stephenson. Mostly genre writers and old, classic fairy tales and folktales from around the world (oral traditions have no "author" so I believe I'm influenced a lot by cultures).

What is your favorite Quote? Why is it your favorite?
"Shared Pain is Lessened, Shared Joy is Increased" - Spider Robinson

Besides being the wisdom of a writer I admire, it says a lot about what I believe is the best part of being human sharing a world with other human beings. Empathy, connection, understanding, acceptance...it's at the heart of my very loving upbringing and what I always hoped to give to the next generation of creative, passionate people. It leads to another quote know: "Love is accepting someone exactly the way they are and exactly the way they aren't."

If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world, which would it be?
Wow, what a thought! Um...truthfully, my favorite fictional universes are all much harsher than those I'd like to live in unless I was one of the lucky 1% who live at the top.

Where readers can find you?
Sneaking up behind you in stealthy ninja-mode! AHHHHH!

No, really, I'm at:

Website: www.dawnmetcalf.com
Blog, Officially Twisted: www.dawn-metcalf.livejournal.com
Twitter: @dawnmetcalf
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1164852981

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