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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Interview and Free e-book (if you can find it hidden) :]

Welcome to Jagged Edge!
Would you like to tell us a little about yourself?
Okay. I’m a 29yo adventurer. I love to travel, learn different languages and try different things. I work in Real Estate full time and write when I can. Between all that I manage to play basketball, participate in traditional archery tournaments and go bird watching.

What inspired you to write?
Adventure and imagination. I always wanted to be a real mystery solver or explorer but since I was a good kid at school, writing was the only way to have those adventures.

What authors influenced you as a writer?
Isobelle Carmondy, Tomara Pearce and Raymond E Feist.

What is your favorite Quote? Why is it your favorite?
I reject your reality and substitute my own,” – Mithbusters. It makes me laugh and at times can be so true. No matter what you think, I’m happy thinking my own little story.

If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world, which would it be?
Ohh… Narnia would be pretty cool, but the world of Midkimia from Raymond E Feist would be interesting.

What is at least one thing that every writer needs to have or do?
To have someone else who can read your work. No matter how many times you read your own work, you’ll always miss something!

Are your books different to your personal favorite books by other authors?
I think my books are different because they’re still new, first editions. I look up to the authors I’ve already mentioned and always wonder ‘will I ever be half that good?’ Once can only hope so.

What lead you to writing in this genre?
My high school librarian introduced me to fantasy after I’d read all the mystery books in my home town of Seymour. I loved it and haven’t looked back since! My first novel was dedicated to Mrs. Hall.

What is your favorite part of the writing process?
Writing a brand new story. Some times it is as if I’m reading the story as I write it – even I don’t know how it ends until it happens.

Least favorite part of the writing process?
Editing. I’m getting better at picking up my grammatical errors but it can be a nightmare!

What are you currently working on?
Book 3 (Elflings) and Book 5 (Deceiver). Elflings is going through the draft process with the help of some critters (become a critter at critters.org) while Deceiver is still being hand written.

Where readers can find you?
https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/39579 - discount coupon for your readers VU75D expires 30/09/11

Was their a question you wish I would have asked but didn't?
No, it’s all good. I think your interview was most informative. I had to think about which world I would like to visit… but now I’m thinking even more… what about the Far Away Tree… that was a fantastic place as well!

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