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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Interview: Mary Ting

Would you like to tell us a little about yourself? I’m married, have two children and a little maltese. I’ve been teaching elementary school for 19 years. I enjoy oil painting and making jewelries. Crossroads is my first young adult novel.

What inspired you to write? Crossroads was a way for me to heal the loss of my grandmother. I didn’t know I had so much to say…lol!!!

What authors influenced you as a writer?
My inspiration was not just from my grandmother, but also from author, Stephenie Meyer. She wrote Twilight from her dream; therefore, I was inspired to write Crossroads from my dreams. Chapter one and two are my real dreams and experiences.

What is your favorite quote?
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou

If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world, which would it be?
I’m not sure if I’m breaking the rules here, but I would love to live in the world I created. To meet the awesome angels, have Michael wrap me with his massive wings and fly me around would be too good to be true…lol!!!

What is at least one thing that every writer needs to have or do?
Every writer needs a buddy who is willing to read their draft and give honest feedbacks.

Are your books different than your personal favorite books by other authors? I would have to say yes because many of these characters are my friends. Also, the events that the main character goes through, first car, first job, camping and other experiences are my real experiences. So I guess I can say that Claudia is based on me…lol!!!

What led you to writing in this genre?
To tell you the truth, I don’t remember picking up a novel since high school. One day, I went to Costco and saw a cover of two hands with an apple. It drew me in. After finding out that it was about a vampire, I put it down. When I went home, I received the Entertainment magazine and guess what I saw? Kristin Stewart and Robert Pattinson. Just finding out that it was going to be a movie, I went back to Costco. From then on, I started reading young adult novels ONLY.

What is your favorite part of the writing process?
Diving into a world that takes you away from reality. You can do and say anything you want…well… almost…lol!!!

Least favorite part of the writing process?
Editing!!! It’s a must, but it can drive you nuts…lol!!!

What are you currently working on?
I’m currently working on book 3 of Crossroads saga

Where readers can find you?
twit @maryting

Was there a question you wish I would have asked but didn't?

What was your experience after being published?

I took on a journey not knowing how rewarding it would be for me. I’ve meet so many wonderful people from all over the world through facebook, twitter, goodreads and blog sites. I’ve made everlasting friendship where friendship knows no boundaries. And I have to thank my grandmother who continues to watch over me from Heaven. Thank you so much for having me!!! And thank you to my readers who are now my friends. Thank you for being my friend!!!

About the author:
Mary Ting resides in Southern California with her husband and two
children. She enjoys oil painting and making jewelry. Writing Crossroads
was a way to grieve the death of her beloved grandmother. It was inspired
by a dream she once had as a young girl.

Book Blurb - Between:
As the Alkins head back to Crossroads, Claudia leads her normal life; but
not for long. Having a special soul, Claudia attracts danger, and she soon
finds out who Gamma asked to watch over her. The Twelve, known as Divine
Elders on Earth, are very much involved when they find out that Aliah, one
of the God’s first angels, escaped from the Abyss when the gates were
opened by Aden. Needing Claudia’s soul to escape the only place Aliah can
reside–a place between Heaven and Earth–he sends his demons in search of
all Claudia Emersons on Earth. Taking her soul will enable him to be
released from Between and cross over to Crossroads, which would give him
immense power. As more secrets are revealed Claudia learns about the
venators—nephilim, demon hunters. Now two opposing forces must work
together in order to save Claudia and humanity from the most dangerous
angel ever created. But along the way, trust becomes a big issue. Will
love be enough to keep Claudia and Michael together? Who will make the
ultimate sacrifice? Who will betray them all?

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