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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Interview with Borislava Borissova

 Welcome to Jagged Edge!
Would you like to tell us a little about yourself?
I have two published books for now. The young adult “The Starlight Prince” and “Affairs of The Heart”. Two love stories, two affairs of the heart in one book. In them lives all passion I have for history and adventures, time-traveling and thrillers, mysteries and great love.
Writing is an important passion in my life.

What inspired you to write?

Personally I love to write about it in night hours when the Earth - my home-planet - sleeps profoundly and a new world, the one of the stars, wakes up in the sky above my head.
I love telling stories based on real facts and persons. I am always in a hunting to hear, to learn something interesting that could shake me and hold my imagination for long. Having a real story for the plot I follow the heroes in their experience and something my imagination very vividly show pictures of it as if a film passes in my mind. 

What authors influenced you as a writer?

They are so many from different genres. I am a bit obsessed with books.

What is your favorite quote?
It is not a quite but a single book, “The Little Prince” by A.S.Exupery.

If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world, which would it be?
Perhaps Middle Earth, “The Lord of The Rings” by prof. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.
I would also love to see as a flash what would happen with my native Milky Way Galaxy, with the Sun after thousands of light years. And I would love to know what the Solar System was when our world was created and after it when the world was very young what everything on Earth looked like. 

What is at least one thing that every writer needs to have or do?
I have never lived with the thought “I can do this”; “I can be a writer”. In my case it is always the sense “I need to write, I want to write.” For me the most challenging is "to start a new book or never start a new book"... such moments always can happen. I am sure people, who are interested in being writers know much about the whole process. But I have something to say: don’t believe in rejection letters! You may write a nice story and if someone, if many ones – agents, publishers - reject it, don’t give up your thirst for writing. When one loves to do something - to climb mountains up, to swim, to play soccer or to write - he or she just does it because of the pleasure and despite the result. Each swimmer does not go to the pool or sea, or ocean because she/he would become an Olympic Champion. Of course, there is also the thought about success in everyone. 

Are your books different than your personal favorite books by other authors?
Of course. At first it seems everything is said by the great authors but everybody has his/her unique experience and there is what to be written, yet. There is also difference between my heroes and me. Sometimes their problems, important questions are the same as my own. However, answers are different. What is love? Escape from loneliness? Or love is a deep friendship and having it for something else is just our illusion? What would love inspire? A new sense of life? Happiness? Or love would kill our innocence? Does being in love mean we discover mutuality but losing part of your identity? Questions, puzzles and some answers in two love-stories, two affairs of the hearts.

What led you to writing in this genre?
Oh, I do not like boundaries. Every genre could be mine if I have a proper story to say. Overall I love to write about love. I try to describe it in my stories as masterfully so I can. The most important for me is the sense of romantic. It should be in the environment or in behavior of my heroes, or in their attitude. I think there is shortage of romantics in our time and world. 

What is your favorite part of the writing process?
Well, I can never say I am a writer from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. during a day. Writing is one side of the process, creation of the stories and characters in the mind is another, more important thing. The themes, dialogue, the scenes of a story live in my mind all day-night and I am used to taking some notes on papers about heroes, dialogue, scenes in any free hour with the purpose to use them in the process of writing. 

Least favorite part of the writing process?
The most terrible thing for an author in my opinion is the importance of the beginning chapter, the opening - the first few lines. I want to write a story as I like but I cannot stop puting myself in the shoes of the readers and asking: “Is it interesting to others?" But I try to be myself in every word.

What are you currently working on?
“Love and Other Dreams” will be my next published work. Its volume is 100 000 words so I need a longer time to re-edit it.

Where readers can find you?
Shelfari, Facebook, Goodreads etc.

Was there a question you wish I would have asked but didn't?
Perhaps what are first feelings when I put the last sentence of the story and the last chapter is closed? Being honest, I have to say there is no satisfaction in me at that moment. I love to work over the characters and the plots and feeling thirsty to bring them to the world. But when the story went to the editor I missed the hours when I stayed behind my laptop in the very friendly company of my heroes to go together on their next adventure. There is a strong sense of sadness that this journey is over.

1 comment:


Thank you very much for the interview!
Best wishes,

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