I hope everyone has been finding their new favorite book!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bookshelf tour


rhett said...

Uhm.... Evil is totally awesome! I've got a Maine Coon named Tepper (rescue), I believe she is a circus clown reincarnated as a super cute kitty... Wish I knew how to post a pic in here, it would blow your mind with cuteness:)

Your bookshelf tour was funny - soooo much to read!

25kati said...

Evil's name is actually Lucy and Crazy Dog's Name is Oubita. Hmm now I'm curious how does a cat look like a Circus Clown?

rhett said...

Well, she doesn't look like one, she ACTS like one. Her big tricks are: chattering at birds, chasing dogs, and falling over... hence the nick name floppsy moppsy moo moo

Say what's up to Oubita and Lucy for me!

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