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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Interview with Abby Wood

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Welcome to Jagged Edge!
Would you like to tell us a little about yourself?
Hi! Thank you so much for having me here today. I’m Abby Wood, and besides being a writer, I’m a wife, mom, and typical country gal. I love animals, playing tennis, fishing, riding motorcycles, and camping. I’m excited for summer, because I live in Oregon where it tends to rain most days. That gets a little old, so I’m anxiously awaiting some sunshine.

What inspired you to write?
My husband. I’ve always been a writer, even when I was very young. When my kids were little, my husband kept urging me to do something about all these books I was writing for fun. It wasn’t until my kids hit their teen years, I took the jump and submitted my first manuscript.

What authors influenced you as a writer?
So many, I wouldn’t know where to start. I will say that the authors I’ve become friends with have helped me the most the last few years. Writing is a tough job, and the stress level is higher than most people know. It’s nice to email/call my author friends and talk through the highs and lows. I wouldn’t know what to do without them.

Your favorite character?
Ah…that’d have to be Master Dick in To Play or Obey? He’s perfect in every way. Wait! It could also be Mick in Twice Her Age. I have this thing for older men. (yes, my hubs is older than me- lol)

What is your favorite Quote?
I went to the woods to live deliberately.” I don’t know who said it, but it fits my personal life. I love living away from society in our own little piece of heaven.

If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world, which would it be?
It would be the world in Tagging Her Lynx. It’s a contemporary, set in Alaska. I grew up there, and would love to go back.

What is the one thing that every writer needs to have or do?
Boots! Okay, maybe that’s the excuse I use to buy more boots. I would say every writer needs patience. I’m still working on that one, but if I had it completely, it would sure make life easier. I do a lot of waiting in the publishing world. lol

Are your books different to your personal favorite books by other authors?
A little bit. I prefer to read Mainstream Contemporaries. Hand me a Harlequin cowboy/millionaire/prince themed book, and I’ll disappear for a couple hours to read. I do read erotic books, but the love story has to pull me in.

What lead you to writing in this genre?
Someone asked me if I could write erotic. I thought about it, tried it, submitted it, and realized that there are readers out there who buy erotic books. As a writer, I discovered that I could delve deeper into my characters if I shared every aspect of their personality…including the sex. Gotta love those dominant men and how they think. ;-)

What inspires you the most when you write?
Hoping I’ll touch on a factor or personality that no one has dared to write about before keeps me inspired. Creating this “person” who isn’t real, and watching him/her become real is the most exciting part of writing to me.

How long does it normally take you to write a book and go through the whole process?
This all depends on the book. I’ve had some that have kept me up writing at night, and invade most of my day, until I finish a book in two weeks. Others, it can take me up to six months to write.

What are you most excited about this year?
I’m working on a book right now with a Lakota, Native American, hero who has grabbed my heart. I hope to submit it soon, so cross your fingers!

What book do you wish to see come out as a movie? (of course all authors want to see their movie on the big screen but what other book would you like to see?)
Oh wow, hm…one of Lorelei James’ books definitely.

Funniest question you have ever been asked?
Someone asked me what the oldest thing in my refrigerator was once. I can’t remember what it was, but even I was grossed out. Since then, I’ve tried to keep on top of cleaning out the fridge periodically.

What happened while writing one of your books that you did not expect?
I never expect to hate the characters, but there have been a couple times when the idea was good, but once I started writing, I just could not like the heroine and ended up tossing the book.

Do you read the review when they are good and/or bad?
I do. Of course, bad reviews sting...but not everyone is going to like my books. I don’t like every book I read, even if it is a popular best seller. I’m thankful for all reviews, because that’s one way I learn how to be a better writer.

What's next in life for you?
Once I get my current project submitted, I’ve been playing around with the idea of a series based around 5 men who grew up together and are now very successful and dominating men. I’m excited!

Was their a question you wish I would have asked but didn't?
I think you covered everything. I can give you the links where readers can find me, and I always welcome emails.

Thank you so much for the interview!


Karen C said...

Hi Abby!
Very interesting interview - thanks for sharing bits of yourself! You are a new to me author, but I will be sure to check out your website and books.

GFC follower

Karen C said...

I just realized I neglected to tell you my favorite season. It used to be spring, but I've developed too many allergies so spring isn't really enjoyable anymore. I used to like summer until I moved to Texas and it's too darn hot and dry to enjoy being outside. Not to mention the snakes and scorpions!! Have never been a big fan of winter (why I moved to Texas), so looks like the winner (by default) is Fall. And, Fall is actually a nice time of year. It's starting to cool down (finally) and you can enjoy being outdoors again. Do miss the trees changing colors. :O)

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen!

I can see why you'd like Fall. I live in the Pacific Northwest, so all of our seasons are very mild. I enjoy each one. I think if I went to Texas, I would melt. lol I don't do anything when it's over 85 degrees out.

Thanks for stopping by!


Kathy Ivan said...

Hi Abby

Love your work! I'm definitely a Fall girl Summer coming to an end, meaning the unbearable heat, and leaves starting to change colors. The days still warm, but the evenings cool enough to sit outdoors and enjoy.

Great interview, by the way. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Kathy!

Cool evenings are the most relaxing. I hope you have a porch to sit on! We have a deck, but we live in a forestry area, so no sunsets for me.

Thanks for stopping by!


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