I hope everyone has been finding their new favorite book!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Interview with Christine Amsden

I was so slow I forgot to send her the questions so I had to send her one the day before. ahhh So heres a little bit about her book.

Summary:In the mid-21st century, the human race stopped aging. Those who know why aren't talking, and the few who are brave enough to ask questions tend to disappear. To an elite few, The Change means long life and health, but to the increasing masses, it means starvation, desperation, and violence.

Four centuries after The Change, Grace Harper, a blacklisted P.I., sets off on a mission to find the man responsible for it all and solicit his help to undo The Change - if he's still alive. To complicate matters, Grace's employer is suspected of murdering his father, and when the police learn of their connection, they give her a choice - help them find the evidence they need to convict Matthew Stanton, or die. But if they discover Grace's true mission, they won't hesitate to kill her in order to protect their shot at immortality.

Where you can buy it:
Kindle (amazon)

Welcome to Jagged Edge!
would you like to tell us a little about yourself?
Thank you for having me! You already know the third most important thing about me – that I'm a writer – so I'll fill you in on the first two. I'm married to a wonderful man, Austin, and it is with his help that I am able to write and publish my books. I also have two wonderful children, currently 5 and 3, who keep me busy when I'm not writing (and sometimes when I am).

I've been a writer as long as I can remember, even before I could actually read. I used to look at picture books and make up stories. I like to say it's in my soul, and that I could no more not write than not breathe. I write science fiction and fantasy, but to me, genre is not as important as character. I like to write about ordinary people defining themselves through extraordinary situations.

What inspired you to write?
Writing is natural for me, something I have always done. Even before I could read or write, I used to look at picture books and make up stories about them. I wrote my first story, about Cabbage Patch Dolls going to Mars, when I was 7 or 8.

What authors influenced you as a writer?
The author who influenced me the most was Orson Scott Card. Not only do I enjoy most of his books, but I attended a “boot camp” with him in 2003, which I think of as the start of my becoming a serious writer.

Your favorite character?
Since I consider character to be the most important aspect of a book, I have fallen in love with countless characters over the years. I could name any number of them, and call them my favorite, but I think, in truth, my favorite character is actually the heroine I created for my latest books – an urban fantasy series about the daughter of a powerful magical family with no magic of her own. I've lived with her for two years now, learning more and more about her as time goes on, and so she is more real to me than anything I read in a few days, no matter how admirable the character.

What is your favorite Quote?


The difference between a dream and a goal is a plan.” -- Dr. Phil


I'm not a witch, I'm not a witch!” -- Monty Python

If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world, which would it be?
I get this question a lot, but it's always so difficult to answer because as I said, I am more compelled by character than world, in general. Who do I get to be in that world? The red shirt? Or the heroine? Or the bad guy? Do I get to use magic?
If I thought I could handle the pun damage, I might go for Piers Anthony's Xanth, because magic is all around and everyone there has a chance at a fun adventure.

What is the one thing that every writer needs to have or do?
I can't think of anything every writer needs to have, and the only thing they all need to do is write. I've spent a lot of years in writing circles, and we debate about every aspect of writing from plotting to the use of italics, but the one thing we all do is write. The one thing a wannabe doesn't do that would make all the difference is write. We like to call it BIC – butt in chair. Although, technically, you don't even need a chair. If you're bedridden and have to dictate, you can still be a writer, as long as you write!

Are your books different to your personal favorite books by other authors?
Yes. And no. I'm sure I've drawn inspiration from many of my favorites, and I won't pretend that I've created something so unique it will blow your mind. What I have done that makes my books different is to be myself. It's one thing that draws me into certain books, and away from certain others. Sometimes, you can just tell when something feels like a shadow of a shadow, like someone is trying to be someone else, and it's not because their aliens are just like someone else's aliens or their plot is just like someone else's plot...it's because they didn't have enough confidence in themselves to make the story their own.

What lead you to writing in this genre?
I've always been drawn to science fiction and fantasy, to aliens and magic, to anything strange and unusual. I grew up watching Star Trek The Next Generation, Star Wars, and I had an unhealthy infatuation with end of the world movies and books. Still do, I suppose, although lately I've been reading happier things.
I am drawn to speculative fiction primarily because I like to write about ordinary people defining themselves through extraordinary events.

What inspires you the most when you write?
When I'm actually writing, I am my greatest inspiration. I tend to work through my own personal issues while I write, and it shows in both subtle and overt ways through the characters. For example, Grace felt pretty alone and isolated during the first part of her book. I didn't do it consciously, but I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I had just had a new baby and spent most of my time alone, the closest family four hours away by car.

How long does it normally take you to write a book and go through the whole process?
I haven't written enough books to have a “normal” yet. My first book, Touch of Fate, took about a year, once I decided to start writing it, although I had written a short story a year or two before. The Immortality Virus took two and a half years, but I kept stopping to work on another book – one I started when I was twelve years old and have still not finished. I do think I'm learning to streamline the process, though, and fully expect a year to suffice for most novels.

What are you most excited about this year?
My book release on June 15, of course!

What book do you wish to see come out as a movie? (of course all authors want to see their movie on the big screen but what other book would you like to see?)
Ender's Game. There have been rumors and speculation for years, but it hasn't happened.

Funniest question you have ever been asked?
That's a tough one! How about funny/stupid? I once had a woman, upon learning that I am legally blind and have trouble seeing the television, ask whether closed captioning would help!

What happened while writing one of your books that you did not expect?
I finished it! (Seriously, round about the middle of every project, I have my doubts.)

Do you read the review when they are good and/or bad?
Yes. When they're good, I get a big, goofy look on my face. When they're bad, I put on a brave public face, though in private it can hurt. I'll often re-read positive reviews when that happens, as a reminder that one bad review does not make the book bad, except in that person's opinion.

What's next in life for you?
Hard to say! I like the path I'm on now, writing and publishing. I have a 4-part fantasy series I hope to sell soon (the one with my favorite character), and I intend to enjoy watching my kids learn and grow.

Was there a question you wish I would have asked but didn't?
Nah! These all worked for me. Thank you so much for having me here! 

1 comment:

Denise Z said...

Great interview - I can't think of any more questions you should have asked either!

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