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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Guest Post with Aaron Patterson

The Perfect Job

As a little boy, I used to get asked by grown-ups all the time: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I would give the standard answer, Superhero, Fireman, millionaire… you know, easy stuff.

I never thought of writing, never dreamed of being an author let alone being able to make a living writing books. So what is it like to write books for a Job?

Before we go into that, let me give you some history, we all love history. I grew up as a home Schooled kid, I read a ton and loved stories. This set me up for my job as a writer and I didn’t even know it. After I graduated, I got into construction. Not just any construction but fire protection. I was a firefighter, just fought the fire before it ever started.

I did this for 11 years. I did not want to do this my whole life but didn’t really know what I did want to do. After writing my first book in 2008 I found that I really liked writing but never dreamed I would ever sell any books.

Fast forward to 2011. I have three novels out and my new one, Airel is my best yet. So what do I do all day?

I wake up—most of the time when I want to—and drive down to a local coffee shop and find a chair close to a plug-in. I order a coconut mocha and sit down to write. I try to spend two hours doing this but if I open my email or Facebook, I am doomed. Between blogging, Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites, I also help other authors get their book published. I promote, plan, market and even take other authors to lunch.

I do this most days, sit, read and write and drink coffee. I know, sweet huh? The best part is talking to readers, finding out what they liked or hated. Hearing of someone who loved my books and being able to do something I enjoy. This really is the perfect job.

Do I ever run out of ideas for new books? Never, there are so many stuck in my head it will take me at least 50 years just to wrote what I have ideas for right now. So here is to a long and exciting future for you the reader and me the writer. If you want to be a writer, I would give this advice. Read as much as you can, and start writing. You will never write a book if you do not sit down and write.

Aaron Patterson
Twitter: Mstersmith
Facebook: Aaron Patterson

Sweet Dreams
Dream On
19 (Digital Short)
The Craigslist Killer (Digital Short)
The eBook on eBooks (Digital Short)

Don't forget to come back on the 25 for the big giveaway here's a sneak peek of all the books in the giveaway! http://klearsreviews.blogspot.com/p/armchair-bea-giveaway-list.html


Evie said...

Hi Aaron! Fantastic guest post! I always wondered how it would be like to be home schooled. I bet I'd enjoy it more than my horrible primary school... (blah!)
I'm very excited to read your book, my blog is one of the stops on your tour and I can't wait to welcome you to my humble bookish space! :)


Aaron Patterson said...

Thanks so much for having me on your blog. I hope this gives you some more info into the other side of publishing and writing. Cheers.

Denise Z said...

Thank you for sharing today - I enjoyed reading what you had to say!

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