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Friday, June 3, 2011

Viki Lyn - Interview

Welcome to Jagged Edge!
Would you like to tell us a little about yourself? 
My name is Viki Lyn and I write male/male romance books. My favorite color is red, my favorite food is lemon desserts, and my favorite movie is Sense and Sensibility. I have six books published, paranormal and contemporary m/m romances. My latest book is Fighting Chance released by Loose Id. It’s a vampire sequel to Last Chance, but can be read as a stand- alone.

What inspired you to write? 
Before I started writing, I was an artist working in mixed media and collage. I opened an art gallery and gift store with a close friend, and that took most of my time away from creating. I found that I could write short stories for my creative outlet. From short stories I tried my hand at writing a novel – and it just snowballed from that point forward!

What authors influenced you as a writer? 
I don’t have any one particular author that has influenced me. I’ve always been an avid reader since my grandmother took me to the library. All my family members love to read, and we always had books scattered around the house. Even today, I call my sisters and exchange book recommendations.

Your favorite character? 
Well, I’m not sure but I do love Jane Austen’s heroines. The are intelligent, feisty and always get their man!

What is your favorite Quote? 
Right now my favorite quote is part of my email signature. "Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one's own beliefs. Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others." John F. Kennedy

If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world, which would it be? 
I would have loved to have been an elf in one of Tolkien’s books, before Middle Earth. It’s such a fantastical world and beautiful place.

What is the one thing that every writer needs to have or do? 
Learn the basics of writing and then you can break the rules!

Are your books different to your personal favorite books by other authors? 
Yes! I read mostly literary fiction and murder mysteries – but I do love a great m/m romance, usually contemporary or mystery. I write paranormal but I don’t read much of it myself – not sure why that is?! Since writing, I don’t have as much time to read, so I like to pick up a good Batman comic book, or read Japanese graphic novels. They are quick easy entertainment. And I love the artwork in graphic novels.

How did you start writing these kinds of books? 
What lead you to writing in this genre? I’ve always enjoyed gay romance movies and books. Then I got into reading Japanese Yaoi or Boy’s Love manga. When writing my historical romances (under another pen name *g*) it was my male characters that held my attention. My men always came out as the stronger and more interesting characters. About two years ago, I took a hiatus from writing to decide the direction I wanted to take my writing career. That’s when I decided to try writing a male/male romance and a paranormal romance. I enjoyed writing both genres and so I combined them.

What inspires you the most when you write? 
Music is an inspiration. The rhythms and lyrics get me in the mood to write certain types of scenes. I have playlists for romantic scenes; time periods; sex scenes. *grin*

How long does it normally take you to write a book and go through the whole process? Every book is different but I can’t just whip out a book in a month. I wish I could! I envy authors cranking out several books a year. I’m lucky to publish three books in a year. I’d say I average three to four months to complete a book to my satisfaction. I am one of these writers that’s constantly editing!

What are you most excited about this year? 
Oh boy…lot’s of excitement coming my way. Fighting Chance will be released this month – June 21, published by Loose Id. It took me over a year to write it, and it went through so many transformations. My poor critique partner pulled her hair over this one! I struggled with the plot and with getting the characters just right. But finally, with the help of my wonderful editor at Loose Id – I believe it’s a solid story with love and adventure and enough of the paranormal world to satisfy the reader.

What book do you wish to see come out as a movie? (of course all authors want to see their movie on the big screen but what other book would you like to see?) 
I think my vampire series (Last Chance and Fighting Chance) would make a terrific trilogy. The special effects would be really cool when my slayers travel by vir – and I’d love to see what a set designer would do with Alkas island and the underground temple where the Red Serpent hang out. I also have a very cool Goth bar in Prague that our heroes must visit. I love the fantasy and magical aspects of the book. And, there’s a strong love story full of angst and sexual tension – Brokeback Mountain meets Twilight! Ok, maybe not. *g*

Funniest question you have ever been asked? 
Hmm, not sure I’ve ever been asked anything that funny I’m asked how a straight woman writes ‘gay’ sex – a lot - *grin*

What happened while writing one of your books that you did not expect? 
Sometimes my characters get out of hand and go along a different path than expected. When that happens I have to get rein them in. When I wrote Last Chance I had planned to put a stake through the vampire’s heart. Instead, Johan convinced me he’d make a great main character in the second book!

Do you read the review when they are good and/or bad? 
I don’t read my reviews not unless the reviewer emails me or my editor or I stumble upon one. I guess that makes me a coward, but I prefer to judge my books by my sales and my reader’s emails. Not that I don’t appreciate a good review. I’ve been rated from a one to five for the same book so it’s difficult to keep up with how a particular book is doing by reviews alone. If someone bothers to give me a one star – I must have hit a real sore spot or hot button! It doesn’t necessarily mean my book is poorly written, but my characters rubbed the reader the wrong way, or the plot. As a writer, you can’t please everyone!

What's next in life for you? 
More books I hope! I always have a couple in the works – and I’m working on a paranormal romance with straight and gay characters. I’ve been told that it’s not good to mix straight and gay – but why not give it a try? And, more traveling – maybe to Scotland after Eastern Europe? Also, I have a vampire series I co-wrote with my friend and author Vina Grey. It’s titled For the Bite of It – Vincent is an exiled vampire who owns a cupcake bakery *g*. It was really fun to co-author a book, so we are plotting other series and hope to have another series started by this fall.

Was there a question you wish I would have asked but didn't? 
You about covered everything! Whew! I’m exhausted. *g* Thank you for having me – this has been fun!

Thank you for being here!!

Heres her newest book:
Blue Skye

Her other books:
Out of bounds
Last Chance
Ryan's Harbor
The Tiger Within


Viki Lyn said...

Thank you Kati for having me here today! It's been fun answering your questions! Viki

Camryn Rhys said...

Sounds hot, girl! I also have playlists for all the different scenes. :) Great minds think alike. Can't wait to read this book!

Anonymous said...

Great interview! I mixed up straight and gay in Mercury Rising, but I'm still not sure how I feel about that choice. Hmmm...will have to think about that.

Elizabeth Silver said...

I don't read much in my own genre, either. Mostly, I devour a lot of fantasy (urban fantasy, high fantasy, steampunk, you name it) and scifi! Go figure, right?

Love the interview!

Viki Lyn said...

Thanks Liz, Daisy, Camryn for your comments. Liz, I'm glad I'm not the only one that doesn't read much in my genre! I used to read a lot of fantasy when I was younger, and I'm started to get back into it. Reading Mercedes Lackey Herald/Mage series but Book One was so sad. Been writing too much romance for me not to want a HEA!!!

Cassandra Carr said...

I've read Viki's books, and I can tell you - they are EXCELLENT stories. I was riveted. And, no, she didn't pay me to say that!

Viki Lyn said...

Thanks Cass *blushing*

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