I hope everyone has been finding their new favorite book!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cover Art: The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa

Julie Kagawa, author of the amazing Iron Fey series, just revealed the cover to The Iron Knight on her blog! Check it out: 

Here's what Julie had to say: "SIGH. Isn't it gob-smacking awesome? I love it, it's my absolute favorite so far. Oh, but we're still not done. Harlequin TEEN and I want to invite everyone to a live online event on June 15th, where we'll reveal the back cover copy of Iron Knight, and answer your burning questions about the series. (But there will be no spoilers.) So mark your calendars for that"

I totally love this cover. I just happen to be in love. I am team puck and all the way!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Thank you Moujnir For informing me of this awesomeness!

Moujinr says"I would add that this is the best cover in the whole series. And that I'm totally not staring at Ash right now (okay maybe I am haha)."
"Summer's Crossing is out today" make sure to check it out on Julie's site!

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