I hope everyone has been finding their new favorite book!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

So I finally made it!

Here is the button for the giveaway spread the word!!


Link to all the books being given away so far!

Almost all the swag! Toke up my whole bed!
Also sorry for the crappyness of the image I toke it with my phone. ahah. here another example of the hugeness of this giveaway.. Darn I deleted it already. Darn the OCD of the phone images. :/



Make sure you put two (2) (.pdf e-book) copies of Spartan Heart, Part One, by Kristine Cheney on the list!! I also have some swag bookmarks I can send, but I need your address. :)

Kristine Cheney

Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban said...


My publisher has promised to send you 10 copies of Two Moon Princess. Let me know if you don't receive them.

25kati said...

Kristine: Thank you again
Carmen: I only received one and that was a week ago. If you like I can just have them send it to the winners. When they are selected.


Cindy C Bennett said...

I'd like to give you two ebook copies of Heart on a Chain to add to your giveaway! I can also send you some bookmarks if you want to send me your address.

geekgirl at comcast dot net

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