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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Interview with Adrianna Dane

Welcome to Jagged Edge!
would you like to tell us a little about yourself?
I've has been putting pen to paper since the age of ten. Couldn't wait to learn to write so I could put all the stories in my head down on paper.
The first defining love story I read was back in junior high. "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte (big sigh here), and that set me on the road to my long standing love affair with the romance genre. II often find inspiration in writing often by listening to song lyrics and reading poetry by such poets as Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Edgar Allen Poe, and Ranier Maria Rilke. But really inspiration for my stories truly has no boundaries. So beware, they can come from anywhere, anything, any time.
"Esmerelda's Secret" released by Amber Quill Press in June of 2004 was my first published story, and with that story and subsequent books I've fully embraced the sensual/erotic romance genre.
I also write darker twists to the tale under the pen name, Darcy Abriel.
Find out more about my current releases as well as planned future releases and other news by checking for updates at either of my websites, www.adriannadane.com  or www.darcyabriel.com periodically.  Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter, Torrid Tidbits, at  http://groups.yahoo.com/AdriannaDane_DarcyAbriel-TorridTidbitsNewsletter.

What inspired you to write?
I’ve always wanted to write. I’ve always had stories in my head. I couldn’t wait to actually learn to write. Early on I tried to teach myself how to print because I wanted to write the stories so badly. So, I guess, it’s the stories that inspire me to write. There isn’t any other choice, there never has been.

What authors influenced you as a writer?
As well as being a writer, I’ve always been a voracious reader. It’s hard to say or pin down just one author. Authors that I enjoyed reading early on included novels by Louisa May Alcott, poetry of Elizabeth Browning, as well as reading about her love affair with Robert Browning, short stories by Edgar Allen Poe. Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker. Later, I might include Edna Ferber, Georgette Heyer, the Bronte sisters, several Harlequin authors including Anne Mather, Charlotte Lamb were early reads. I could just keep naming them.

Your favorite character?
There are too many. I don’t know where to start.  Probably going back to Wuthering Heights and Heathcliff. Love the dark, tortured hero, so probably Heathcliff would be one of my favorites.

What is your favorite Quote?
There really isn't just one – I have a notebook that I keep and when I find something that particularly inspires me, I'll add it in.

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes...” –Marcel Proust

“Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass...” --Anton Chekhov

Just a couple of my favorite quotes from the many I find inspiring.

If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world, which would it be?
If I’ve written about a certain plain, usually I do jump right into it. It’s the only way to build a world that others can believe. I'm particularly fond of the the world I'm creating in my Humanotica series. Writing as Darcy Abriel, “Silver” and her whole dystopian society is quite erotic, quite intriguing, and the muse has been very naughty in creating that world. I've just completed the draft of the second story in that series and looking to jump in on the editing. I love world building.

Currently, I'm jumping into a ravaged world of the 14th century. :-)

What is the one thing that every writer needs to have or do?
A pencil and paper and the drive to lay down and share the story. We all have imagination, not all of us use it. We are all creative creatures.

And a dictionary and Thesaurus. Did I mention that I collect dictionaries? Not just English, but other languages as well.  :-)

Are your books different to your personal favorite books by other authors?
Since I'm an eclectic reader, there are similarities in genres. Are they different? I hope so.

What lead you to writing in this genre?
I was born a romantic. But I also love horror, exploring dark corner, and old houses, and sensing energy. Looking back at history, researching. I love to research.

What inspires you the most when you write?
I am a curious creature. And I love to write about intense relationships. I love to write about the capacity of human nature to triumph even in the face of adversity. There's always hope. And even from the darkest corner, there is light. And love, the essence of a soul, will triumph if given half a chance.

How long does it normally take you to write a book and go through the whole process?
No two books are alike. Each story, every world created, is different. I've written the first draft of a story in a day or two, or sometimes it's been an excruciating process and can take years to craft that first draft.

What are you most excited about this year?
The time goes too fast. I'd like it slow down just a bit. There's never enough time. And I guess that's the most exciting thing – I get up each morning and look forward to what the day will bring. It's just that it goes by so quickly and the week is gone before I even know it. I'm just excited to be alive and writing stories. Enjoying each day.

What book do you wish to see come out as a movie? (of course all authors want to see their movie on the big screen but what other book would you like to see?)
That's a hard one. With 87 stories out there, it's hard to pick just one. Perhaps, “Body Parts.” It's a take on Frankenstein mythology and it's dark fantasy. Or maybe one of my more recent contemporaries, “Public Lives, Private Pleasures,” which deals with the political hotbed of Washington, D.C. and the secrets, shocking and otherwise, revealed. That seems to be a major topic lately.  My take on Red Riding Hood grown up might be fun - “Poppy Rider and the Glass Shards.” I had some fun writing that one.

The problem is that all the nuances involved in storytelling sometimes don't translate quite as well to the screen and often the story loses something of its depth. So it really is hard to say because there's so much that goes on inside my characters' heads.

Funniest question you have ever been asked?
I'm afraid my mind is blank on this one.

What happened while writing one of your books that you did not expect?
Most of the time something unexpected occurs. That’s more the rule than the exception. Once the characters start talking there’s always something new to be learned. And I love those surprises.

Recently, in Public Lives, Private Pleasures, I didn't write a menage into the story. But...there it is. It's all in the way the story unfolds, and listening to the characters and ferreting out their motivations.

Do you read the review when they are good and/or bad?
If a review is brought to my attention I most always will read it with an eye toward interest in the reviewer's perception of the story. I will always take their perspective under consideration if there was something about the story that didn’t quite work for them. Reviews are always food for thought and I value a reviewer’s and reader's  opinion and the time they took to prepare a review. But I will say I don't let them define my vision of storytelling. I often write edgy sort of stories, such as my Darcy Abriel stories, “Silver,” where the main character is a trinex and rather ambiguous, being male, female, and humanotic, or in “Nightingale,” a story about the Castrati and eunuchs, and fallen angels. They aren't going to be understood by everyone in the same way. Not everyone shares the same vision.

What's next in life for you?
Living each day, one day at a time, and excitement about the next story I write. Can't wait to find out what comes next.

Enjoying time with my husband, my children, and grandchildren, who are growing up fast.

Was their a question you wish I would have asked but didn't?
Umm. My current fave food right now is a smoothie. It's summer and I like ice cream or something cold to keep me moving, but must make that frozen stuff healthy. Fresh strawberries, pomegranate juice, honey, Greek yogurt, flaxseed oil, and ice cubes. Yum-yum. After a morning of intense writing, it makes a great pick-me-up before moving on to editing in the afternoon. Sipping my smoothie, popping in an episode of Deadwood, or Carnivale, or the Tudors, makes for a nice transition.

You did a great job. Thanks so much for having me here.

1 comment:

Denise Z said...

Wonderful interview - Thank you for sharing.

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